When you have an AutoHideTab docked to right and you want to show an image and horizontal text, the text is cut off taking the width of the image.
If you have a RadDock with child form in an MDI scenario, and you swtich between the tabs of the hosted forms, the Activated event of these forms will not be fired.
ActiveWindowChanged cannot be canceled if the event is fired for the case where you switch from one tab of a ToolWindow to another tab of a ToolWindow
Hidden HostWindows are not loaded correctly when the load operation is performed twice.
Would be useful to have the option to create the tab close button theme which depends on the states of the button's containing tab.
The issue could be observed in a scenario with nested RadDock controls. An exception is received when the window state is changed to AutoHide.
Currently tool windows cannot be re-sized proportionally in this scenario.
When the RadDiock is in right to left mode and the QuickNavigator is shown. The snapshot in the QuickNavigator is of the top-left corner of the window in the current context. The snapshot should display the top-right corner.
FIX. RadDock - arranging DocumentWindows tabs in design time is not possible.
When reducing the size of a right-docked auto-hide tool window it goes out of the area of the RadDock
If right mouse button is pressed while dragging a float tool window, the default context menu appears. If after that move away and do not select a menu item, the tool window cannot be released from the pointer and hence cannot dock or leave it floating.
The problem can be reproduced in some scenarios for other controls like RadGridView Comment: the issue cannot be reproduced!
ADD. RadDock - functionality to change the text orientation of the AutoHideTab Comment: The text of AutoHideTab can be flipped for achieving of these requirements as the following code snippet demonstrates: private void radDock1_TransactionCommitted(object sender, RadDockTransactionEventArgs e) { if (e.Transaction is AutoHideTransaction) { foreach (DockWindow window in e.Transaction.AssociatedWindows) { window.AutoHideTab.FlipText = true; window.AutoHideTab.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; } } }
Currently it is not possible to customize the tool window animation and there is no animation when closing the tool window. Resolution: Set the AutoHideAnimation and the AutoHideAnimationDuration properties of RadDock
The ShowAutoHidePopup method should enable showing auto hidden pop-ups.
Tooltip text inconsistency between the dock's buttons.After hovering contiguously two neighbour buttons, their tooltip text is swapped.
RadDock tool tabs look incorrect with ControlDefault theme when RightToLeft layout is used.
The order of tabs in not correct after RadDock save/load operation. The selected tab is always the last one.