Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020 13:28 by ADMIN

Hi Progress Team,


I have encountered another issue in the RadPopupEditor control. For RadSpinEditor controls as well as for RadTextBox controls on the Popup container form, no value changed or validating/validation events are fired. For RadSpinEditor controls the ValueChanged event is fired when the spin buttons are used to change the value but when the user directly enters a value in the editor element and the control losts the focus (either by TAB or mouse click outside the control) the ValueChanged event is missing.

I have attached a small VS2017 project which illustrates the issue.

Thank you very much!





Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 08:30 by ADMIN

When the popup is opened and you have multiple controls in it, pressing the Tab key will navigate to the next control. However, when the last control in the popup is reached, the focus stays in it instead of jumping again to the first control.