Last Updated: 22 Jul 2019 06:07 by ADMIN

To reproduce: 

Change the scaling to 200% or larger.

Set the animation:

 this.commandBarToggleButton1.UseDefaultDisabledPaint = true;
 this.commandBarToggleButton1.Enabled = false;

Last Updated: 09 Aug 2024 11:58 by Luca
  • .net 4.7.2


  •  .net8.0



Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024 13:25 by ADMIN

To reproduce the issue:
1. Add a RadDateTimePicker control to a Windows Forms application.
2. Use the "ar-SA" culture.
3. Attempt to manually enter a date in the RadDateTimePicker control using letters or special characters.

Dim hijriCulture As New CultureInfo("ar-SA")
hijriCulture.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = New HijriCalendar()
RadDateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
RadDateTimePicker1.Culture = hijriCulture

Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 14:39 by ADMIN
Applications hangs when using custom format containing one part ("ddd" or "dddd"). 
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2024 13:02 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2023 12:40 by ADMIN
In this particular case, we are using the SetToNullValue() method. To reproduce this behavior we can type a valid date in the editor area. Press the tab key to move the focus out of the control. Call the SetToNullValue() method which will set the Value property to null. Focus again on the control and type the same date again. When we tab out of the control, the date is valid and will be shown in the editor area. However, the Value property remains empty.
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2023 08:18 by ADMIN
In this scenario, the FreeFormDateTime mask type is used and the ShowCheckBox property is set to true. When the user clears the date and start type and in the process of entering the date, press Left or Right key arrows, the CheckBox inside is focused which triggers the validation of the control.