Maybe I'm doing this wrong but it works with the standard .Net SaveFileDialog. No matter how many filters I add or which FilterIndex I set, the last filter is always activated.
With DF.RadSaveFileDialog1
.SaveFileDialogForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent
.SaveFileDialogForm.Text = "Save File As - " & DF.OriginalTitle
.SaveFileDialogForm.ThemeName = "Fluent"
.ShowNetworkLocations = False
.InitialDirectory = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath()
.Filter = "Word Document (*.docx)|*.docx|PDF Document (*.pdf)|*.pdf"
.RestoreDirectory = True
.FilterIndex = 1
End With
To reproduce:
private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Use the Demo application >> File Dialogs >> First Look example. I have tested typing "\\DYORDANOLAP" and hitting Enter and it seems to navigate to the folder only after pressing Enter a second time:
Expected: In the Windows File Explorer, the user is navigated to the respective folder after the first time the user hits Enter.
Currently, the dialogs provide a way to restore the last open directory. The opened directory path will be stored in a private string field of the RadOpenFolderDialog instance. However, in other this to work, the dialogs require the following steps:
We could expose a mechanism to cache the last open directory outside of the dialogs, thus allowing you to restore the directory even when the application is closed.