Last Updated: 16 Apr 2018 13:11 by zhijun
Last Updated: 22 May 2018 09:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce: run the project, load the document available in the project's folder and start clicking the words. You will notice that the cursor is shifted on the right. 

Workaround: don't enable the RightToLeft property.
Last Updated: 23 May 2018 14:59 by ADMIN
When there is a hyperlink enclosed in another annotation (e.g comment, bookmark, read-only range), and the user moves the caret position just before or just after the hyperlink, and starts typing there, the text is inserted with the style of the hyperlink (by default, blue with blue underline). Instead, the text should be inserted without such style.
Last Updated: 23 May 2018 14:35 by ADMIN
Applying negative LeftIndent or FirstLineIndent of a paragraph in web layout mode will visualize the paragraph to the left of RadRichTextBox boundaries.
Last Updated: 30 Jul 2020 04:33 by ADMIN
When the rtf document contains a table as the one below and the empty declaration is used in the following structure, the document cannot be imported:

{\f0 Verdana;}
{\f1 Times New Roman;}
{\f2 ;}
{\f3 Segoe UI;}}
Last Updated: 06 Aug 2021 10:23 by ADMIN
When exporting a single paragraph to HTML one empty span is added after the content. 
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2019 09:50 by ADMIN
RadRichTextEditor: MoveToDocumentElementStart works incorrectly when called consecutively with PermissionRangeStart as parameter
When the MoveToDocumentElementStart is called with parameter that is PermissionRangeStart and then is called a second time, the position moves to the previous position instead.

Last Updated: 19 Mar 2021 06:18 by ADMIN

One cannot paste when the AutomaticallyLoadFormatProviders property is false. Even if you register the format providers manually: 

public MainWindow()
    DocumentFormatProvidersManager.AutomaticallyLoadFormatProviders = false;
    DocumentFormatProvidersManager.RegisterFormatProvider(new HtmlFormatProvider());
    DocumentFormatProvidersManager.RegisterFormatProvider(new RtfFormatProvider());
    DocumentFormatProvidersManager.RegisterFormatProvider(new DocxFormatProvider());
    DocumentFormatProvidersManager.RegisterFormatProvider(new Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.Xaml.XamlFormatProvider());
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2019 07:34 by ADMIN

In Word, for paragraphs in a list:

1. The bullet/number uses the value of the first line indent

2.1 The text on the first line is aligned according to the left indent when the left indent is smaller than the first line indent (the usual case).

2.2 If the first line indent is smaller than the left indent, the first line aligns with the rest of the text, using the value of the left indent property.

2.3 When there are tab stops, they are used for the position of the text. In RadRichTextBox, the text in the first line always aligns according to the FirstLine indent.

Also, tab stops can be used to position the text after the bullet/number.

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2020 10:14 by ADMIN

Case 1

   The editing capabilities of tables should be disabled when in ReadOnlyRange

Case 2,

    The Table tools are not hidden when changing the default tab ( see attached video).

Last Updated: 28 Apr 2020 08:30 by ADMIN

Run the Word-inspired project. Select the one whole paragraph, right below the Overview header, but so that caret is at the beginning of the next paragraph. Change text alignment to Justify. Then try to change text alignment to Left. It will not turn back to Left. Probable reason is that caret is at beginning of the next paragraph whose alignment is Left, so app thinks it should change it to Justify instead. This over-eagerness is described in forum thread ChangeParagraphTextAlignment is over-eager to change alignment. But in this case there is no workaround.

The solution is to set the value instead of toggle it, like the Word does. If text alignment was Left then setting to Left should again set it to Left. Also, caret position should not change the outcome of the action. Only the contents of the selection is relevant in deciding if action can be safely skipped.

Last Updated: 17 Feb 2021 10:11 by ADMIN
Missing table border resulting from an incorrect table borders inheritance
Last Updated: 04 May 2020 13:52 by ADMIN



Please look at the attached html. when we load the attached HTML in Editor the last line appear like this. however when i open the same html in browses it looks fine. I have set the "text align" to justify and this is one of my requirement. 


Last Updated: 10 Jun 2020 15:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Nitin
Comments: 3
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Bug Report


Please look at the screen. when we load the attached email in Editor, bullet points are repeating. 




Nitin Jain

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021 08:53 by ADMIN

If we copy-paste some french text; f.e. generated by https://fr.lipsum.com/:

This is the original text:

"Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l'imprimerie depuis les années 1500"

This is what we see if we past it inside the rich text component

Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l'imprimerie depuis les années 1500

Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020 07:09 by ADMIN
When you insert a table and try to grab the right border and resize it, the result is that the inner cells resize, while the total width of the table remains the same. 
Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020 07:32 by ADMIN
The table is not properly resized when using the left-most border. The table should be resized like in MS Word (see attached).
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2020 12:47 by ADMIN
The pasted text is not encoded decoded when the target framework is .Net 4.0 and the text contains some symbols like é, è, à, ê, ù, etc.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2016 06:18 by ADMIN