For example, if you choose to print second page like this:
It prints only the first page of the document, instead of the second page.
Template PDF documents created for example with Foxit PDF Editor, or with documents created programmatically with Aspose.
If the documents are opened with other PDF viewers such as Foxit or Adobe, there are no problems, which is not the case with the Telerik viewer.
I am currently using Telerik UI for WinForms 2024 Q4 24.4.1113.0
The following assemblies are missing in the 2024_4_1127_Dev_Preview zip folder:
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Doc
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf
- Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming.dll
Currently, RadPdfViewer offers the DataError event which is purposed to handle errors during the import process. However, if there are problematic pages that are rendered in the viewer at a later moment after the document is already imported, the viewer doesn't offer a suitable way for handling such problematic moments even though the PdfProcessing library throws one of its exceptions.
The exact client's case is loading a PDF document which contains images requiring JPX Decoder which is currently not supported. Even though the PdfProcessing library throws internally the following error, the RadPdfViewer control doesn't throw the DataError event with the respective error:
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Exceptions.NotSupportedFilterException: 'JPXDecode is not supported.'
The problem I'm trying to solve is that users do not know that the original document may not be what they are seeing in the viewer when there are layers.
A property that indicates
that a document has layers would allow the system to refuse to open the document.
Open the Demo app and load the PDF document with such annotation. The following error occurs:
************** Exception Text **************RadPdfViewer can not display annotated PDF file Kindly,i used VintaSoft SDk to Annotate PDF File, File is annotated successfully and i can open it with Adobe Reader and see annotations is added to it but while i try to view annotated PDF file using RadPDFViewer File will displayed without annotations ,only original content displayed. Kindly find my attached AnnotatedPDFfile To be loaded in RadPDfViewer
The attached file lorem-ipsum.pdf is rendered incorrectly in PdfViewer. I suspect it has something to do with kerning, because monospace font is not affected. Adobe Acrobat, Foxit PDF Reader, and Chrome render the file correctly.
The file was created with Pandoc, open source software, converting a markdown file (.md) to .pdf.
When RadPdfViewer is in text selection mode and the user is trying to select a word by double-clicking on it, the last letter of the word is not selected when the word is followed by some symbols like '.', ':', '(', '...'
Also, the CaretPosition is not correct.