When updating to Telerik MAUI 8.0.0 and building the app on Android 5.1 the controls that use RadTextInput internally crash
Controls like, DataGrid, RadEntry, ComboBox, AutoComplete, Numeric, Masked
[MonoDroid] Java.Lang.NoSuchMethodError: no non-static method "Landroidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatEditText;.getTextCursorDrawable()Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;"
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment.InstanceMethods.GetMethodID(JniObjectReference type, String name, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniType.GetInstanceMethod(String name, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.GetMethodInfo(String method, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.GetMethodInfo(String encodedMember)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.InvokeVirtualObjectMethod(String encodedMember, IJavaPeerable self, JniArgumentValue* parameters)
[MonoDroid] at Android.Widget.TextView.get_TextCursorDrawable()
[MonoDroid] at Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadTextInputHandler.MapCustomCursorColor(RadTextInputHandler handler, IRadTextInput virtualElement)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Telerik.Maui.IRadTextInput, Telerik.Maui.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7],[Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadTextInputHandler, Telerik.Maui.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7]].<Add>b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElemen
When setting BorderBrush, BorderThickess, FocusedBorderBrush and FocusedBorderThickness do not apply on the entire entry control, they apply only on bottom.
<telerik:RadEntry Text="Hello World" TextColor="DarkRed"
And the result:
Place the entry in a RadBorder:
<telerik:RadBorder BorderColor="Red"
<telerik:RadEntry Text="Hello World"
x:Name="entry" />
Text is not centered vertically on WinUI with latest Maui. The issue also affects NumericInput control as RadEntry is used internally.
Runtime exception with latest Microsoft .NET iOS sdk 8.0.100 17.0.8490
TelerikTestForSimulator[24646:547905] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x60000289d5c0 of class 'Telerik_Maui_InputElement_RadTextField' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead TelerikTestForSimulator[24646:547905] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x60000289d5c0 of class 'Telerik_Maui_InputElement_RadTextField' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Keyboard remains open on iOS when taping outside of Entry control.
There is a workaround for the MAUI Entry control by setting the HideSoftInputOnTap property on the Pagel, but this property does not work on RadEntry. The keyboard remains open.
A line going through the clear button of the RadEntry control. The behavior is reproduced on Android 9.0
When you've set IsPassword=True and have an initial value for Text, that value is ignored (only the watermark is shown).
Reproducible on .NET MAUI peview14 using UI for MAUI 0.6.0 with the following code
<telerik:RadEntry Placeholder="Password" Text="1234" IsPassword="True"/>
The Placeholder position is not in sync with the Entry's Text, it is always top-left aligned.
Here's a quick screenshot of what happens when the RadEntry is larger than the default.
This has the side effect of not being aligned with the Text.
There are several ways I can think of to approach this, but I think the easiest way would be to just bind the top level control's VerticalTextAlignment property value on the internal Label being used for the Placeholder
<telerik:RadEntry Placeholder="Name"
On Android: RadEntry and .NET Maui Entry behavior are identical. When unfocused, the focused background is still applied.
On WinUI: RadEntry and .NET Maui behavior when are unfocused, the focused background is still applied. When RadEntry is in the "Focused" and "PointerOver" visual states, the control behavior is with the default state. When .NET Maui Entry is in the "Focused" and "PointerOver" visual states, the control behavior is with the "PoinetOver" visual state.
On iOS and MacCatalys: When RadEntry is unfocused, the focused background is still applied.
On Windows when IsReadOnly state changes to true, the control state does not change, you can still edit the text.
<VerticalStackLayout >
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsReadOnly,Source={x:Reference EntryShareName}}"/>
<telerik:RadEntry x:Name="EntryShareName"
Placeholder="Enter text here"