Problem: DataResult isn’t supported
Why do we complain about this:
We want to use virtual scroll functional, but without DataResult support we have to load all items at once (data is pretty massive), which produce unnecessary overload of network.
Does it supported by other components or implementations: Angular TreeList, React Grid
The Treelist expandable cells are indented for each level. When a name is too long, however, the indentation and spacing are difficult to read and throw off the grid's design (Codesandbox link):
We don't frequently run into this issue, and we've now got a common component for this cell redesign, but it would be nice if it worked like this out of the box:
Thank you,
Currently, KendoReact TreeList doesn't offer a built-in way to achieve selection behavior where selecting a parent node automatically selects all its children, and vice versa (deselecting all children deselects the parent). This feature would be highly beneficial for use cases involving hierarchical data structures where managing parent-child selection is crucial.
Introduce a new option for the selectable prop, potentially named propagateSelection or recursiveSelection (similar to applyCheckIndeterminate provided in the TreeView component ). When set to true, it activates the desired behavior where selecting a parent selects all children, and deselecting all children deselects the parent.
Related GitHub item -
The TreeList component has almost of all the same functionality as the Data Grid, but it lacks the ability to automatically resize the columns based on the content when clicking the table cell headers. The demo of the Data Grid Column Resizing shows this behaviour. The jQuery TreeList also supports this behaviour.
It would be great if the KendoReact TreeList could also enable auto-resizing of columns in this way as it feels like the natural way to automatically set the size of columns.
AutoWidth column on header double click.
When a resizable column is double clicked it will be auto-sized based on the content.