Last Updated: 15 Feb 2023 14:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Randee
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report
I saw this bug was suppose to be fixed in kendo-theme-bootstrap 6.0.0 however I'm running 6.1.0 and I'm still getting this warning. with sass and vite

Last Updated: 13 Feb 2023 10:07 by ADMIN

Currently the React DateRangePicker component shows its calendar popup any time either of the date text inputs are focused.

It would be nice to have more control over this behavior buy providing a prop to customize what actions open the popup.

Our use case is that currently the DateRangePicker (as of v5.11.0) cannot be used to make a 508 accessibility compliant site (reference support ticket 1597095  : which IMO is a bug, but trying to also find a workaround that we can roll out quickly) due to the way the popup breaks tab order in the browser. If keyboard users could tab into the Start/End inputs without the popup opening, then they could type in a date and tab to the next control (currently they cannot because the popup breaks tab order). A mouse user clicking into the input would be fine to see the popup. So having a prop to specify the auto-open should happen in click, not on focus, with a keyboard shortcut to open the popup if they want it (which already exists as alt+down), would be an easy workaround to get us back into 508 compliance.

I could imagine such a pop to control auto-open of the calendar popup to take one of 3 values; 'focus' (same behavior as current) 'click' (open on click, but not on keyboard focus) 'none' (no auto open. user can press alt+down to open).

Last Updated: 24 Feb 2023 12:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Nurul
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
I am working with a kendo grid with typescript. In grid pagination, I need an 'all' option.  kendo pageSizes only takes an array of numbers. Basically, based on the 'all' option, It will fetch all the data.
Need More Info
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2023 08:11 by ADMIN
Created by: lavanya
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

I have attached files, in which there is an app bar content there is a dropdown in the dropdown there are four elements, in that I need four drawer container on the left side as I attached by clicking the single dropdown, how can I attach 4 drawer container in a single project 


Thank you

Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023 10:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Current Behaviour

When I lock columns In data grid with resizable columns - for example 1st and 3th and resize the 1st one - after we scroll horizontally the 3th column goes on top of the 1st column. This happens when we haven't set a width prop.


Expected Behaviour

Resized columns not overflowing on each other when scrolling horizontally and don't have width prop.


MInimal Reproduction

I'm providing a reproduction from Kendo React code examples.

Last Updated: 24 Jan 2023 07:23 by ADMIN
Created by: lavanya
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi, I am Lavanya!

in my dropdown list, there are horizontal layouts I need to change to the vertical dropdown list

and also I have attached bar data in that I need to make a dropdown filter of the month how can I use that

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2023 07:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Filip
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
It would be beneficial to be able to customize the default editor in the Filter component
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023 12:47 by ADMIN
Created by: lavanya
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
const bar = [
  { month: 'Jan', sales: 35 },
  { month: 'Feb', sales: 28 },
  { month: 'Mar', sales: 34 },
  { month: 'Apr', sales: 32 },
  { month: 'May', sales: 40 },
  { month: 'Jun', sales: 32 },
  { month: 'Jul', sales: 35 },
  { month: 'Aug', sales: 55 },
  { month: 'Sep', sales: 38 },
  { month: 'Oct', sales: 30 },
  { month: 'Nov', sales: 25 },
  { month: 'Dec', sales: 32 }



this is my data I want to use a column chart using this data x-axis as month and y-axis sales how can i use this data

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2023 08:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Hari
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Can we have a inline editing feature for the title, start, end dates as like data grid have.
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2023 08:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Shravan
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


Currently, it is possible to switch between both numeric and input types in Kendo grid pagination but in our application we have design to display both numeric and input control types on load. so request to please help with that feature.




Last Updated: 21 Dec 2022 09:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Philip
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Add support for complex object array filter of DataSourceRequest.

let dataSourceRequestFilterComplexObjectArray = {
  filter: {
    logic: "and",
    filters: [
        field: "users[name]", // OR with dot notation -> "users[someObject].name"
        operator: "eq",
        value: "Bill"

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 11:57 by ADMIN

I am using KendoReact Draggable and Droppable and we find a bug when using it. This bug even happen in the official demo.

The bug is described below:

When a droppable area is rendered out of the originall window size, the droppable cannot detect the onDragEnter() & onDropLeave(), of course onDrop neither.

it seems that kendo did not handle when user scroll while dragging the draggables, so that when the draggables was dragged to a zone out of the original window size, it failed to detect it.(Figure4)


I have also found another bug which is when you drag the draggables and scroll, the draggable will somehow detacted with the cursor, but I somehow already fixed it. Maybe it gives some hint for you to fix this bug, maybe.


Last Updated: 25 Nov 2022 15:36 by ADMIN
Created by: lavanya
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

is that possible to change the background line (grid )

how can I change the color of the grid or invisible in the kendo UI chart


Last Updated: 10 Jan 2023 11:51 by ADMIN
Created by: lavanya
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi, I am Lavanya

I am using kendo UI  past few days the react-coffee warehouse is very useful to learn . But the finance application is in typescript so unable to learn the whole application. so kindly give any sample application in js or jsx .if possible. 



Last Updated: 28 Nov 2022 14:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a notification and a button to toggle it
  2. Run a screen reader such as NVDA or JAWS
  3. Toggle the notification to appear

Expected result: The text in the notification is read by the screen reader when the notification appears

Actual result: The notification text is not read out


Last Updated: 24 Nov 2022 13:15 by ADMIN

in the kendo UI react chart I need the average line, max line, and min line targeting some value   

Please suggest which features to use with respect to the above requirements, if available.

Last Updated: 15 Nov 2022 11:33 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2023 07:55 by ADMIN

It is a common use case to provide Grid's dataItemKey property to make sure changes are properly reflected per documentation -

However, when this accessor property is provided (usually a unique ID on all groups and items), Kendo uses it instead of its default auto-incremented `'ai' + absoluteIndex` key to index the <GridRow /> for each group's header and footer - giving them the same value and causing React to throw multiple warning about duplicate keys. This makes it unreliable to specify dataItemKey property when using the grouping feature with aggregate footers as it messes up with React's reconciliation mechanism.

Last Updated: 02 Nov 2022 08:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Stéphane
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


There is a very serious bug in the Kendo React date picker component: the month of January is simply not displayed

The issue can be witnessed on your demo page:

Just open the picker and you'll see January is not there

Last Updated: 24 Feb 2023 12:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Arifullah
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


Can We have an admin Dashboard for KendoReact? which has some ready components Like NavBar on top and Left, Dark and Light mode, RTL, and LTR Layouts and Forms with all input Components

I Have More projects in this React MUI Admin Dashboard and now it's very hard for me to use the KendoReact Components here.

if we Have KendoReact Admin Dashboard like that it will be easy to use KendoReact components there.

