Last Updated: 29 Feb 2024 17:14 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Environment (OS, Application, Versions):

OS Version: 22H2 (OS Build 25352.1)
Edge Dev: Version 121.0.2277.112 (Official build) (64-bit)

Repro Steps:

   1. Open https://codepen.io/oneID/pen/LYaGREP and turn on NVDA.
   2.Navigate to Populate grid and activate it using enter key.
   3.Navigate to Expand button under domain in export to excel table.
   4.Verify if the accessible name and role for the expand button is correct or not.

Actual Results:

Accessible name for the 'expand' button is not correct, Expand button is defined as link.

Expected Results:

Accessible name of 'expand' button should be sufficient for screen reader user. Accessible name should contain value available in domain as well.

Role should be defined as 'Button' as its behaving as button.

Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024 15:48 by ADMIN

This is a bug on your documentation website.

Go to https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/ for example to see that the side panel on the left is empty in an Edge browser. It flickers then it disappears.

It works fin in Chrome and Firefox

Last Updated: 25 Jan 2024 09:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Janki
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Would love a prop to hideHeader on KendoReact grids!

For the same reasons that were enumerated in this 2017 Kendo Angular thread: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular/issues/285

- For shared grids that only need 1 header row

- For small grids that have sorting/filtering controls outside of the grid header

Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024 13:35 by ADMIN

In the kendo-react-data-tools component, we want to introduce the Autocomplete behavior in Fields.
For example, in the https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/datatools/ link, only 3 fields ( like Name, Price and Discontinued ) were used.

In our application, we have more than 100 fields and the user has to scroll all the way down to pick the required field for applying the filter.


Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 12:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Dear Sir/Madam,


I would like to disable the right part of a split button dynamically, so something like

<SplitButton rightDisabled={true} items={items} text="Disabled Button" />

Obviously, when the value rightDisabled changes to false, the right part should be enabled again.




Last Updated: 22 Jan 2024 08:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Jacky
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

In Excel, you can group / ungroup rows AND columns.  This is particularly useful for income statement reports.  It would be great if Spreadsheet component can support the rendering of groups created in Excel and also allow groups to be created with the component.  


Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Ramkishore
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Good Morning Team,

Ability to select columns and generate charts in spreadsheet like excel spreadsheet.
Insert charts, images in the spreadsheet similar to excel spreadsheet.



Under Review
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2023 09:07 by ADMIN


We have recently upgraded our packages to version: "@progress/kendo-react-grid": "^6.1.0". While testing the new look and feel of the application we've noticed that the pagination is no longer working on several grids from the application. After investigating for a while, we have found the property that is causing the issue(rowHeight), please take a look at the Stackblitz example from below.


As you can see, in the example the pagination is not working. If we remove the property "rowHeight" from the grid the pagination is working again. We are not sure how these two are related but can you tell us what is going wrong and how we can fix it?


Last Updated: 27 Nov 2023 05:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Grace
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
I would like a horizontal OrgChart example, but currently, I only see vertical examples.
Last Updated: 14 Nov 2023 11:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Mahesh
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
I want the Chart to support responsive design such that the component, its legend, and its labels are viewable across all viewports.
Last Updated: 10 Nov 2023 14:45 by ADMIN
Created by: kunwoong
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hello? I want to set up drag and drop events from a grid's data to a treeview in React. I used to implement this with Kendo jQuery, but it seems that React doesn't provide this functionality.

Last Updated: 26 Oct 2023 11:12 by ADMIN


       I am facing one issue when group header text is bigger in length. It is getting overlapped with the aggregation values in the other columns.

          Please find the below example for the issue : 


I need that text to be contained inside the td element. Once I resize the column then I should see the complete text. 


Please look into this issue and give me a solution asap.



Last Updated: 23 Oct 2023 19:06 by Janki
Created by: Antoniya
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 05 Oct 2023 13:39 by ADMIN
Was directed here after a forum post where I described my current Business Requirements for this feature. The ask is that the extra step of needing to also click the "Filter" or "Clear" buttons on the component to fire the onFilterChange event are unwanted - I think even exposing some of the functionality or the onClick of the generated checkboxes could help greatly. 
Under Review
Last Updated: 11 Jul 2024 11:00 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Grant
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Hi team, 

Im my example (see here), I've added a 'name' attribute to the 'Persons' resource data, and changed the textField mapping to use the 'name' field, however the scheduler is still displaying the results of the 'text' attribute. 

Leading me to think that the scheduler is hardcoded to only look for the text attribute, because if its changed/removed, the scheudler does not display anything, regardless of what the 'textField' value is.

Please advise.


Last Updated: 21 Sep 2023 07:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
I'd like an npm package for a telerik report designer, just like the one for the telerik report viewer. Ideally if it was a react component too, like the report viewer package.
Last Updated: 08 Sep 2023 06:36 by ADMIN


Environment (OS, Application, Versions)

Repro Steps

  1. Open URL: Column Menu - Kendo React (telerik.com)
  2. Navigate to context menu controls available on column headers of Basic usage table.
  3. Verify if context menu is accessible using keyboard.


Actual Results

The 'context menu' controls available on the column headers under the basic usage table are not accessible using the keyboard.


Expected Results

The 'context menu' controls available on the column headers under the basic usage table should be accessible using the keyboard.


Last Updated: 21 Aug 2023 10:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeffrey
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
It would be nice to have size tokens for adjusting the height/paddings for the DataGrid component cells, head, pager, etc. 
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2023 12:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Bernd
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


The Calendar component does not allow for selecting multiple dates or range selection. Only single selection of dates is possible.

As implemented in the MultiViewCalendar component, it should be possible out of the box to add a "mode" attribute and set it to "multiple" or "range". This would make the two components more consistent and aligned.




Last Updated: 05 Apr 2024 21:20 by Amit
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 8
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

The KendoReact Spreadsheet component has been released.

There are a few features that are missing compared to the jQuery version, and filtering rows based on column filters is one of them. 

Until this feature is added (along with context menus), we won't be able to use the Spreadsheet component for what we need to build, so we will have to continue wrapping the jQuery component. The object provided by the spreadsheet ref can filter programatically based on the (undocumented in KendoReact's docs) `range.filter()` method, but this would take a lot of time to implement what the jQuery version already has.