Hi Team,
I understand currently page breaking is only accessible for text nodes only. However, I'd like to request the functionality to overcome this somehow. This would be great as I request overcoming the truncation limitations.
Thank you!
We currently use
to export the whole web page to PDF file.
But now there is a new task to create single PDF export file containing several web pages of our application.
I have already found that there is a possibility to create multi-page PDF using "multiPage" parameter
kendo.drawing.exportPDF(root, {
paperSize: [1070, height],
multiPage: true,
Also I found out that it is possible to append new Group to MasterGroup object using "append" method (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/drawing/group/methods/append)
kendo.drawing.drawDOM(element, {
scale: 0.65
}).then(function (root) {
return kendo.drawing.exportPDF(pdfMasterGroup, {
paperSize: [1070, height],
multiPage: true,
The problem is I don't know how to save Group object when another web page is loaded. I tried to convert Group object to JSON string using
But this command fails due to circular structure of object
Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor 'init'
| property 'options' -> object with constructor 'init'
| property '_observers' -> object with constructor 'Array'
--- index 0 closes the circle
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
Have you faced such a problem? Is the a way to populate single PDF with several web/DOM pages?
I am using kendo-pdf to generate a PDF. I have a large div with a border which is often greater in height than a single page so it automatically page-breaks (this is good). However, the border for the div is rendered the whole way around it on both pages (see screenshot). I would like to make it so that the top border only shows at the beginning of the div (on the first page) and the bottom border only shows at the bottom of the div (on the second page).
I add a custom header that shows only on the first page of the Kendo UI Grid export to PDF.
This leaves me with a margin on the rest of the pages that is too big.
It would be great to have configurable pdf options per page.
Dear Telerik, When we export the grid data to PDF, then there should be a option to password protect resulted PDF file. Thanks Regards Surinder
I'm trying to create a table of contents within my formatted PDF that was created using Kendo's drawing API. In doing so, I thought it would be a simple matter of using some <a href> tags to point to the containers of information within the PDF. However, when you click the hyperlink on the formatted PDF, it just sends you to the localhost:8080/#DivIWantToGoToInThePDF. How can I get around this?
Hi Team,
We are generating pdf files using kendo.drawing() function and this pdf is having dynamic content. We want to put a table of content page with page numbers at the start of pdf.
We have already tried it using content offset value but its not always 100% correct.
Request you to please add this feature.