In SPA applications the combobox popups are left on the page even after the page is removed. This causes memory issues when there are alot of pages with these popups. Please allow configurations to remove these elements when page is navigated away Refer to ticket#: 920564
With Vue.js integration started but not complete, I'd like to see the plan for rolling out the integration until it has parity with the existing packages like jQuery & Angular. I'd also like information about any public beta versions so that I can plan for controls as they appear. I have a possible long term upcoming project that I'd like to consider using these controls in, but without visibility into the progress it will be hard to justify using this package.
Missing a real world sample of spa with shell's page + layers with AngularJS like we have in mvc/jsp/php demos. why spa (the most common used) have no samples, no blogs, no documantation with - AngularJS ?
The routing framework should allow the developer to choose either the legacy # base routing scheme or the new HTML5 routing and History API. This would make the porting of applications from other frameworks (AngularJS, Backbone, etc) that already support HTML5 routing easier.
Hi, i think SPA View needs to be extended with tools to dynamically load new view template/scripts for scenarios (if already loaded dont call server load) in with there are many views that cannot be loaded af first time. Maybe it could implement it as a sort of view datasource for example based on server side with web-api or similar. It can be also extended with a binding for initial view script execution. It will be interesting also the ability of collect rendered or loaded view to quick reuse them with switch transition (extend layout switch with animation switch).
Kendo editor should change it's size according to the text inside the text area if the relevant option is set to "true"
Kendo editor should have an option to change it's colour tool (ex:- "websafe", "basic" etc.)
Currently, there is no way to make a Mobile Application (SPA) search engine friendly. You cannot use the "alternate" and "canonical" tags, since the SPA page is only loaded once. And you can't use Google's suggested #! syntax, since Kendo only supports the # syntax. So there is basically no way to get a Kendo Mobile website indexed properly.
It would be nice to have a built in method to alert a user with a confirmation dialog when they are attempting to navigate away from a route/view that has a model with unsaved changes. An example of this would be DirtyForms but this library will not always work with Kendo as it is applied to the form and and not a model. There might be many non-form/input methods one can interact with a model in a rich web application.
Some animations for Kendo view transitions in the Web UI would be awesome. SPA's are missing that nice fade or slide between view switching.
Add a small nanoscopic progress bar featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening. This would be perfect for Turbolinks, Pjax, and other Ajax-heavy SPA's. More infos: