When a readonly TextBox is set also enabled: true in MVVM, the readonly is not taken into account.
When the enabled and readonly are used together in MVVM TextBox, the component gets enabled but is not readonly.
The MVVM TextBox should be read only, even if the enabled is set to true.
Knockout has a 2-way hasFocus binding: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/hasfocus-binding.html Currently, setting input focus requires page-level (non mvvm) event binding. Having this binding or similar would allow for cleaner form code.
When a template is used in MVVM scenario the values of the TreeView model are not updated correctly
Although the value of the showAddNewButtonBarcode is changed and 'data-bind="visible:.." is false, the button remains visible
The binding should work as expected. In this scenario, the button should become invisible.
Related to : #5226
Related commit: - telerik/kendo@ca858c6
ObservableArray currently implements some of the ES-5 Array functions, including: indexOf(), forEach(), map(), filter(), find(), every(), some() Like the other Array functions, ObservableArray should use the native implementations of these functions if the browser implements them (IE9+, Firefox, Webkit, etc.).
There are issues with null values not correctly binding without using a custom binder. See demo project here: http://www.kendoui.com/code-library/mvc/grid/binding-nullable-field-to-dropdownlist-editor-in-grid.aspx Forum post here: http://www.kendoui.com/forums/mvc/grid/nullable-property-in-grid-doesn't-update-(when-bound-to-combobox).aspx
### Bug report
When the Kendo UI NumericTextBox widget is implemented via the MVVM pattern, the property "selectOnFocus" can't be set with the 'data' attribute.
### Reproduction of the problem
1) Create a NumericTextBox widget by using MVVM pattern;
2) Set data-selectOnFocus="true" to the input element for the NumericTextBox;
3) Enter a value in the NumericTextBox and focus it;
4) The entered value is not selected;
A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/aTidozIC
### Expected/desired behavior
When the Kendo UI NmericTextBox with MVVM is configured with option data-selectOnFocus="true", the entered value should be selected, once the input element is focused.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:**2021.1.224
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
Currently radio buttons can only bind to a string. They need to bind to a boolean value so we can have clean models, otherwise we have to put in ugly functions to convert the string to a boolean within the model.
Hi Andrew, Can you give me a scenario where a writable computed observable would be required? As the KO site states, these are very uncommon, mainly because the computed nature of the observable makes them unnecessary. If you need an update, set one or more of the dependent observables, and the computer observable also reflects the change.