I'd like to be able to catch more points during the databinding and rendering portions of a widget to allow for customization, such as modifying a row on a datagrid, or a render event that could kick off other work. The alternative could be a way to inherit from existing controls and the ability to stub in methods as needed.
I'd like to be able to have a very compact validation message - just the icon, and a TITLE that is visible when the user hovers over the ! icon.
Please render the text labels and checkboxes with the valid markup so that selecting the text gives focus to the related checkbox. ie. <span class="editor-field"> <input type="checkbox" id="treeItem1" value="1"> </span> <span class="editor-label"> <label for="treeItem1">Tree Item 1</label> </span>
ForeignKey coloumn failed to validation if option label value ("Select value") is selected.
Hi, It would be better to change grid slightly to accept dynamically changing automatically
Add the ability to output the text from the Kendo rich text editor in HTML, XAML, Rich Text or flat text.
Please document that using "validationMessage" as an attribute in a validated control will allow you to have a custom validation message while having a "title" defined. Also, indicate that "Title" will be used if no "validationMessage" is defined.
Right now, it is not possible to specify data-max or data-min for fields as time or dates (data-role="datepicker", data-role="timepicker"...) since the parsing of the options only recognizes null, true, false, float and JSON objects (NOTE: it works fine if you use kendoTimPicker({min:...}). So I propose to change parseOption in kendo.core.js for adding an extra condition as: else if (evalRegExp.test(value)) { var res = evalRegExp.exec(value); if (res[1] !== null) { value = eval(res[1]); } } where evalRegExp is: evalRegExp = /^eval\((.*)\)/ and its usage would be define data-min="eval(new Date(2000,1,1,6,0,0))" Any option that matches eval(.*) would be returned as result of evaluating it. The final code would be: var templateRegExp = /template$/i, jsonRegExp = /^\s*(?:\{(?:.|\n)*\}|\[(?:.|\n)*\])\s*$/, jsonFormatRegExp = /^\{(\d+)(:[^\}]+)?\}/, dashRegExp = /([A-Z])/g, evalRegExp = /^eval\((.*)\)/; function parseOption(element, option) { var value; if (option.indexOf("data") === 0) { option = option.substring(4); option = option.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + option.substring(1); } option = option.replace(dashRegExp, "-$1"); value = element.getAttribute("data-" + kendo.ns + option); if (value === null) { value = undefined; } else if (value === "null") { value = null; } else if (value === "true") { value = true; } else if (value === "false") { value = false; } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value))) { value = parseFloat(value); } else if (jsonRegExp.test(value) && !jsonFormatRegExp.test(value)) { value = $.parseJSON(value); } else if (evalRegExp.test(value)) { var res = evalRegExp.exec(value); if (res[1] !== null) { value = eval(res[1]); } } return value; }
Hi, Need color ranges for the Y-axis in the line chart. This will enable the users to identify within which range the values falls with.
Our data model classes look kind of like this: public abstract class VMBaseDynamic<TViewModel, TModel> { public object Id { get; set; } } public abstract class VMBaseGeneric<TViewModel, TModel, TIdentifier> : VMBaseDynamic<TViewModel, TModel> { public new virtual TIdentifier Id {...} } So anything that subclasses from them has two Id properties, the one in VMBaseDynamic hidden in VMBaseGeneric. The reflection code in the newest Kendo code, in GridEditableSettings.CreateDefaultItem, calls GetProperty() on the data model class for each of the column names. One of them is "Id". It finds two, and chokes with an "ambiguous match found" error. I ended up working around this by adding a function which searches through the class's ancestors for the first matching property, as in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/994698/ambiguousmatchexception-type-getproperty-c-sharp-reflection; you may want to consider this as a friendlier approach in future.
When a class is added to grid row at runtime to enable so-called conditional styling, which is based on the values in one or more cells (e.g. if status="urgent" font color=red) and then the grid is grouped by the user, the added class seems to get lost in the shuffle -- it does not "travel" with the row to its new location and so the conditional styling disappears. I'm not sure what goes on behind the scenes during a grouping operation, but if it is possible to preserve custom classes added at runtime so that they survive the grouping operation, please implement this feature.
I'd like to be able to react when user clicks or "mouse over" data points in the chart
Sometimes need to disable column selectable option. For example, when column consists checkboxes or action buttons. $("#users-grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: createRandomData(20), pageSize: 5 } selectable: 'row', columns: [ { field: 'UserId', title: 'ID', template: '<input type="checkbox">', selectable: false } { field: "FirstName", title: "First Name" }, { field: "LastName", title: "Last Name" }, { field: "Actions", title: "Actions", template: '<a href="">Delete</a>', selectable: false } ] });
As a proof-of-concept, I have reworked some of the PHP tutorial examples for a ColdFusion CFScript service.
All the ticks inside the range can be the same color of range
It would be good if you could enable the KendoUI for MVC buttons to have an "image + text" look and feel in the same way that the Telerik MVC Extensions did. Thanks
When setting the value for the rich text editor, if the object value is null, it blows up. I have to check if the value is null and if so, set it to an empty string. var propValue = linkData[propertyName]; var editor = $(this).data("kendoEditor"); if (propValue) { editor.value(propValue); } else { // clear value editor.value( '' ); }