If the ranges can be more leveraged more information can be visualized in a single gauge and it allows for creating "custom bars". The pointer value already accepts a margin. Example: scale: { majorUnit: 20, minorUnit: 5, max: 180, ranges: [ { from: 80, to: 120, color: "#ffc700", margin: 10 }, { from: 120, to: 150, color: "#ff7a00" }, { from: 150, to: 180, color: "#c20000" } ] }
Can you please add support different scales in radar charts for the different categories/axes? The radar chart becomes mostly useless when, e.g., one category has values that range from 0-10 and another ranges from 0 to 1,000,000.
When changing the bounds of a shape, especially changing the X & Y position allow the new value to be set with animation.
It would be very useful that the Kendo Map widget provides out of the box a control (some sort of dropdown or list view) that allows to select a layer. This would be great for scenarios where the user wants to see a different layer of the map. For example, when the user needs to switch from an Street view to an Aerial view. This feature is very common in Map controls. So I think, it's something that should be supported by this widget, too.
Base units for chart include Months, Day, Year etc but there is no support for Quarter. This causes gaps on the chart when displaying quarterly data.
In the current implementation of the widget, when user tries panning or zooming, there are not map tiles transitions. You just see some white squares until the new tiles are rendered. It would provide a better user experience to have some sort of transition in those interactions.
The linear gauge becomes cutoff at certain heights. If it's less than 50 pixels more and more features are cutoff. I'd like the linear gauge to be able to be 10 pixels without a cutoff.
It should be nice if we could set a background color using a gradient for DataViz area charts.
It would be great if there are customization of categoryAxis label when ploting has both +ve and -ve values. The label need to be settled down at bottom (base line) automatically when there are negative values and same for +ve values.
When I call grid.datasource.sync() on a datasource that has a model id defined, but this field is unmapped, I get a cryptic error. You can find a reproducer here: https://dojo.telerik.com/iLacazot
Uncaught TypeError: o is undefined
Deferred jQuery
On a slightly related subject; When checking the docs on the model id it seems that the example is missing from this page:
There should be a textbox bindind to a field available.
The current implementation makes it too difficult to use a 3rd party icon font instead of the built in kendo sprites. I shouldn't have to specify the spriteCssClass and then add extra CSS or jQuery or both to handle position and sizing glitches. I also shouldn't be forced to use an entirely custom template just because I want to use an icon font.
Implement some dialog windows for simple creating users and roles. Also it essential to create login widget with managing users like asp.net empty project
Window already has dragstart and dragend events. It would be great to have also resizestart and resizeend events.
I could attach a screen shot of this, but there doesn't seem to be a way to attach anything.
Please support partial formatting of the output Excel cells
When a task contains a child task in this scenario we are we are looking for resizing the parent task individually as well as we should be able to resize the parent task along with its corresponding child tasks.
In my project, I'm trying to implement the above scenario but I could not finding anything relevant in the blog.
If the element has the child item so is there a way to resize the parent task also?
Is this feature already implemented?
[ Numeric Text Box ] [ /\ ] [ \/ ] the spinners are small and I would like them to be bigger at the cost of screen space
KendoUI "Getting Started" does not have well organized steps that first time users can follow through. It is made of fragments of somewhat related pages in no particular order, and even after going through them all (about five or six of them), you're still thinking how do I build my first application. All framework and tool vendors provide step by step getting started guide to build a simple application (commonly hello world app). This usually addresses what to download, how to setup the project, which tools or IDE can be used, a simplest possible application structure to test out if the sdk and the development environment is setup correctly. I do not see, no where, resembling something like this. Even the video sessions (about 30 of them) provided in YouTube does not provide getting started session. Strange... considering all others are nicely done.