I'm trying to move my ASP.NET AJAX to Kendo MVC, but there is one way to customize the radioButton that doesn't translate to Kendo. A picture/video would be more descriptive, but I'll just sent the html as that's my only option. It toggles the multiple choices for the radio button, very intuitive for the user... It would be nice to be able to do this on the Kendo side as well. : <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Fld1" HeaderStyle-Width="130px" UniqueName="tmpFld1" > <ItemTemplate> <telerik:RadButton ID="rbFld1" runat="server" ToggleType="CustomToggle" ButtonType="StandardButton" AutoPostBack="false" Checked="false" OnClientToggleStateChanged="toggleStateChanged" DataField="Fld1" > <ToggleStates> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="Not Reviewed" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckbox" Selected="false" Value="-1" /> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="No" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckbox" Selected="false" Value="0" /> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="Yes" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckboxChecked" CssClass="rbSkinnedButtonChecked" Value="1"/> </ToggleStates> </telerik:RadButton> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <telerik:RadButton ID="rbFld2" runat="server" ToggleType="CustomToggle" ></telerik:RadButton> </EditItemTemplate> </telerik:GridTemplateColumn> </Columns> </MasterTableView> : <telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript" > var isToggle = false; function toggleStateChanged(sender, args) { var grid = $find("<%= RadGrid1.ClientID %>"); var masterTableView = grid.get_masterTableView(); var batchEditingManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager(); var parentCell = $telerik.$(sender.get_element()).closest("td")[0]; isToggle = true; // Update if initial value changed var isChecked = args.get_currentToggleState().get_value() === "-1"; batchEditingManager.changeCellValue(parentCell, !isChecked); } function batchEditOpening(sender, args) { // this prevents opening of the cell if the user clicks outside the RadButton if (!isToggle && args.get_columnUniqueName() === "tmpFld1") { args.set_cancel(true); } else { isToggle = false; } } </script> </telerik:RadCodeBlock>
http://www.oximustechnologies.com @ "I am sorry; we can not be the go low. My best offer is the £ xx" In the face of is. It is please do not be surprised if are in the middle of your offer - so, he will give you £ 1200, you will challenge it at £ 900; he refuted this in a £ 1050. It is a 50/50 - it is still expensive in your eyes (he get cash from you), you get a discount (£ 150!). http://www.oximustechnologies.com/smart-watches.html
I really want Kendo UI to be able to support inserting image header to the exported Excel
i tried your demo example :"http://dojo.telerik.com/" its works as well on Firefox 56.0 but does not work on IE11 nor on EDGE as planified. the videos are concatened in the same web page instead to appear in the specidied frame. please correct and tell me the solution on my mail below.
In Desktop and Mobile version, Kendo Scheduler is displaying Date and Time based on TimeZone of Client's Browser. We are binding the Data in Kendo Scheduler and the UI will be rendered based on the TimeZone of client's Browser. Upon further investigation I found out the property 'timezone' which needs to set to neglect client's Browser Timezone. The 'timezone' property is taking values of IANA Timezone and which is referred internally to kendo.timezones.min.js. We need to implement the Timezone as Windows TimeZone.
The TreeMap widget does not correctly handle items with null values. See this sample code: http://dojo.telerik.com/@jmpg/IxEHub It's possible to filter the DataSource to not have items with null values, but it would be much better if the TreeMap widget would simply ignore items with null or undefined values.
It seems wrong title 'Filter Grid as You Type' in the help document : https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/data-management/grid/how-to/filtering/grid-filter-as-you-type I thank it should be 'Filter Grid as Your Type'.
tabstrip in mobile device easy to use for client if tab is scroll on touch instead of arrow button of left and right
Kendo UI jQuery Scheduler: grab a task (appointment) to cells, without displaying the lines of separation. Set an interval property for the drag and drop, which will be defined, 15 or 30 minutes or even smaller, without necessarily having to display the lines of separation (minorTickCount) increases in this case the height of the cells.
TOOL BAR Button Positions should have 3 option: right and left, and one stretched or not in the middle. That would be nice!
A quick suggestion : A very well guided experience for semi skilled developer and help him boost his capabilities up and above. Nice to have come across your product.
Hi there. I notice a bug on your site. The demo link for a QRCode page is not work on the right side bar of this page. https://www.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/barcode The in text demo link however works.
Hello, It would be very nice to have a MultiSelect control such as Bootstrap MultiSelect by David Stutz: https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect The problem with current multi-select control is that while it is very useful for applications with lots of screenspace, it is not ideal for business applications where every inch is very important. The Telerik multiselect is then at the following disadvantages: 1. It does not support Select All/Disselect All out of the box 2. It does not support "99 out of 100 selected". 3. It expands height when more items are selected, which is unacceptable for highly intensive data business applications, where numerous filters and rows of data need to be present at the same time on the page. Are any plans to build such a control in addition to current MultiSelect? Thank you
Congratulations for the fantastic tool "http://converter.telerik.com" which i use sometimes when need to translate code from c # to vb. The problem is that for some weeks it gives an error when i try to convert c# code that contains the "XmlElement" tag, for example the following code: [XmlRoot(ElementName = "Navegacion")] public class Navegacion { [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Error")] public string Error {get;set;} [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "ErrorCode")] public string ErrorCode{get;set;} [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Respuesta")] public string Respuesta{get;set;} [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Version")] public string Version {get;set;} }
If the drawTabularData function could support grouping, that would be great. Right now, when I group a Grid by a column and then use drawTabularData to export the Grid data to a PDF, the table in the PDF is blank -- it has the right number of columns, but the rows are empty. I'd really appreciate it if this worked, so that users could have the full ability to export a PDF of the data exactly as it looks in the Grid.
I'd really appreciate it if it were possible to include the Grid's aggregate data (the summary row) when using drawTabularData, and to format the summary row, like you can format the header row -- ideally including font style (e.g. bold), rather than just font color.
Currently the landscape for t4 intellisense plugins and debugging tools is very poor. I was hoping a productivity tool would be offered for customizing scaffolding templates/.t4.
Could be added to the combobox the pagination funtionality like Sencha Extjs library
Like the event parameter of series.markers.visual contains the according dataitem the event parameter of series.labels.visual should do so aswell.