I tried to answer a forum question having worked on the issue several hours, wanted to help others with the kendo ui invocation. Realized that to post I have to buy a product. Why ...
Since aggregation causes data to change when using a date axis (new minimums and maximums), provide a way to retrieve the new minimums and maximums for each series plotted on a graph.
When changing the bounds of a shape, especially changing the X & Y position allow the new value to be set with animation.
Kendo UI Chrome Inspector not finding elements in iframe. if possible there should be provision to select any kendo element from DOM and check kendo UI inspector.
The option in the Kendo Spreadsheet to show the unmarked values when a filter is applied instead to reset it by pressing the Clear button
We want to create a generic Virtual Kendo DropDownList and use it where ever necessary in the entire project. For that we would need to know the control id in valuemapper and parametermap. Please give us the access to that. Thank you!
Other vendors offer visual representations and better access to what controls are available and how to quickly use them in different scenarios. I cannot find any visual such as http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbook.html?component=home&demo=all which nicely highlights what each control looks like from an index perspective. Furthermore, the code in a cookbook should be copy and paste and not have dependencies on hidden helper classes.
A status-specific control would support max, min, targets, warning levels, etc and not be bound only to percentages as I see in the screenshots of http://www.telerik.com/support/demos or in the other dashboard sample. An example of this is: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbook.html?component=home&demo=rootVisualizations_childGauge
..,or make it at least optional when using grouped column headers. Scenarios with many or repeating column titles would extremely benefit from this.
The interface for PromptOptions does not extend DialogOptions like it should. I added it into my definition file, and it compiles and works fine when testing. interface PromptOptions extends DialogOptions { name?: string; messages?: PromptMessages; }
Developers should be able to specify grid column sort config property which is different from column field property.For instance, when listing products, my view model may have CategoryName property mapped from EF entity navigation property Category.Name using AutoMapper, while my sorting will use "Category.Name" on the server side.Example config could be like: columns[{title:"Category",field:"CategoryName",sort:"Category.Name"}] This will allow me to flatten my view model without loosing sorting functionality.
Hi, Is there any control for image edit in kendo mobile ui, i mean after capture call image edit tool to edit image with few basic features like crop, brightness,rotate.
Add columns to timepicker to have multiple columns instead of a long list. Like you have for the Telerik Ajax Timepicker
TreeMap MVC Demo doesn't show how the colors ranges are achieved. http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/treemap/index It would be help to show how the color rangers are specified. http://www.telerik.com/forums/mvc-treemap-sample-could-be-improved-with-the-addition-of-colors-range
Hi, it would be nice if we can have a distinction between days when using a timelineWeek or timelineWorkWeek. If you have a lot of ressources (with vertical grouping for example) it could be difficult to see when a day is ending and the other is starting: see here. It could be nice if we can have a border with a different css class (ie black color) that shows this behavior. We did it on our side by using the slotTemplate but it's a kind of workaround that adds extra code/rendering time that could be done by the component itself on the first place.
This is a proposal to have the excelExport function allow an array of columns to be passed through to it. This will then allow additional (hidden) columns of the grid (that is also available in the datasource) be able to be exported.
Support has no doubt provided help to hundreds of people with thousands of issues but these problems and solutions are not available to search. Ideally it would be possible to make the basic problem and solution available in a FAQ, cleansed of private information, so that it could be searched by people before contacting support. It would take some time to setup but it would make it easier to self-solve issues in many cases.
The linear gauge becomes cutoff at certain heights. If it's less than 50 pixels more and more features are cutoff. I'd like the linear gauge to be able to be 10 pixels without a cutoff.
http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/templates/overview#template-syntax Comment requires double slash // var result = template(data); /Pass the data to the compiled template