I would like to request, for the following controls: Rich Editor, Data Filter, Masked Input for building business apps. [Edited to remove tools already included in beta.]
Hello Team; will there be a similar concept like ASP.Net "Master Page" which eliminate repeating part of a page in any new page? This would help designing a less crowded page. Or a similar concept like Silverlight having a "Content" area that can be navigated to using AJAX.
Hi; It would be great to show how Kendo can work with ASP.Net membership to take advantage of it at client side. Thanks! ..Ben
For example, an anchor tag placed in a grid table cell is not currently rendered as HTML - instead it is displayed as text.
The lack of a horizontal scrollbar is noticeable :))
If I take the splitter basic usage example and put the menu basic usage example inside the toparea of the splitter - the dropdowns of the menu comes behind the next area of the splitter and is not visible. I've tried to adjust z-index etc on the menu to get the dropdowns over the splitterareas, but I can not get it to expand over the other splitter areas. I can send you screenshots/code etc if you need it.. Tested with IE9 (9.0.8112.16421) and Chrome 14.0.835.202 and Opera 11.51
Update dependencies in documentation + add dependencies info in the beginning of each source code file.
For the app we're currently building, a chromeless, modal window would have saved us lots of time and coding and there are other applications where this could be very useful (especially in the ad serving industry for instance allowing affiliate marketers to place various javascript widgets on their sites that load remote content, etc).
Please consider adding series transitions to charts. Trirand JQ Charts and the new Wijmo charts both have the ability to toggle the series via js. Also, drill down capabilities either via dialogues or linked grids on the same page would be a very handy feature.
Provide us a way to initialize the nodes of a panelbar to expanded\collapsed during kendo initialization instead of after kendo renders it.
Like k-textbox and k-button css provided with kendoUI - I would like to have it extended for simple box with title, expand collapse button etc. This may be more like [Group] control in winforms. so we can group the controls and enable/disable it as needed.
Because better Documentation and Real World Solutions is in the planned phase, it would be nice if you created a forum specifically for the current users to post their own project code and examples under kendo UI Web. This forum would be a good place for people to search for real help when the current demos fall short. Your current forum structure wouldn't allow for posting anywhere but in General Discussions. The code would be lost in all the discussion posts if the examples are a mix of widgets, they don't pertain to a specific widget.. Speaking for myself and the rest of the user community, we would be more than happy to upload the work we have been doing.
Within a short look at Kendo I did not find out whether you support animation for navigating the web UI like it is possible in silverlight or Kendo UI mobile. Example: after selecting an item in a list a window from the right side turns in showing some details to the selected row. Do you / will support similar features?
Its a small thing, but annoying. i dynamically add subitems to the tree on expansion. therefore i do not need to load the whole data on start. so, on the tree init i just have on the items, that contain children an <ul></ul> to indicate it has children. that works just as expected. but when the user clicks on the expand icon, the event treeView.expand does not get fired. My current workaround is, to add an invisible dummy <ul><li style="visibility:hidden"></li></ul> to indicate there are subitems. and when the expand event runs, loading the item, and removing the dummy... Thats far from perfect.
When minimising windows put them in a row at the bottom left of the screen also allow windows to be created in Javascript (see wijmo).