Last Updated: 03 Mar 2020 13:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2021 15:19 by ADMIN
Created by: sitefinitysteve
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Sitefinity uses KendoAll everywhere, here's an example of how it's used CMS-wide

The basic idea is that when the page is built at runtime all the references to the script get combined and it's only served once.  So the stock widgets just all reference KendoAll and if there's 100 widgets on a page that the user creates, KendoAll only comes down once...

So in the SF backend we can set what "ScriptRef.KendoAll" means... like which script it points to, or even to use the CDN version.

Typically what I do to cut the size is to change the KendoAll script to KendoWeb CDN because nothing in Sitefinity uses KendoMobile so why constantly deliver the massive bundle.

However there's been a bunch of times where KendoDataViz has been required on the sites, and now I'm stuck... because you can't just add KendoWeb and KendoDataviz seperatly on a page due to the overlap of functionality.

Option 1: Change the entire site back to KendoAll
Option 2: Generate a custom build and use that

Problem with option 1 is I'm back to delivering a couple meg file to users

Problem with option 2 is I can no longer use a CDN, and every release I'm having to keep re-generating a new bundle file.

It would be very very very nice if a pre-generated DataViz+Web (and seperate DataViz+Mobile) build was available on the CDN to use.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 11:59 by ADMIN
The Kendo Validator cannot be used with the contents of a bound listview because there isn't a way to give unique names to each input. Knockoutjs handles this via the uniqueName binder:

I wrote a custom binder to accomplish this but it would be nice to have a delivered option.

Basically I: 1) locate the parent data-uid and tack that onto the end of the name 2) update all data-for references to match.
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:56 by ADMIN
Created by: WT
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I have a scenario where the form has enough elements to have performance issue with the validator, so I would like to be able to pass a selector to validateInput() that targets multiple inputs. 

Example: validator.validateInput($("input[name^=itemLine]")
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 11:42 by ADMIN
Make the html date and time controls match the skins for the native Kendo UI look.  This way a form built with Kendo UI will look pleasant across a mixture of html and Keno UI controls.  In some cases it would be better to have the mobile style "scroll" to enter dates and times but the look is off putting.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 11:50 by ADMIN
Created by: kishore
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Kendo OOXML should allow to give Pattern Style and Pattern Color for  cell.
Last Updated: 20 Aug 2021 08:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Byang
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Chart series labels template to include html elements. At the moment, adding HTML elements in a chart series label template is possible but you cannot do anything on those elements. Would be nice to be able to re-template the labels by adding HTML elements in them and be able to design these elements or attach events to these elements.
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2016 15:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Emrah
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I try datetimepickerfor control on a mvc project, I set min and max values for it, when I change time, it validates for min, max values and changes automatically but not for date, so I had to write script below. 

function dateChange(){
        if (this.value() < this.min()) {
        else if (this.value() > this.max()) {
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 15:51 by ADMIN
there should be a way to connect 'kendoDraggable' and 'kendoSortable'
like the jquery ui example here:
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2016 09:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Surinder
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Dear All,  

There should be a provision to enter numeric equations like


and on hitting enter it should calculate result and fill in text box being edited.

Also there should be one calculator attached to numeric text box, can be opened or closed using F4 and after calculating result should be copied to text box.


Last Updated: 06 Apr 2016 09:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Surinder
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I am looking for a way to design a data entry form inside kendoui window. which has three divs
div 1 has toolbar
div 2 has data entry controls
div 3 has sttus bar

div 1 should be stuck to top of window
div 3 should be stuck to bottom of window
div 2 should have a scroll bar if its contents cant fit in its height

contents should not scroll at window level, but at div 2 level only.

Last Updated: 06 Apr 2016 09:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
The disabled range sliders still have cursor:pointer. You need to add
.k-state-disabled .k-tick,
.k-state-disabled .k-slider-selection,
    cursor: default!important;
    outline: 0
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2016 16:35 by ADMIN
I take many times for one issue.How can i refresh ImageBrowser manually?i try this one already

var editor = $("#editor").data("kendoEditor");
editor.bind("execute", function(e) {
   if ( == "insertimage") {
// necessary because event is fired before window show

       setTimeout(function() {
           var imagebrowser = $("[data-role=imagebrowser]").data("kendoImageBrowser");
           imagebrowser.upload.bind("upload", function() {
But Thumbnail Image never fires again so image never change.
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2016 09:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Vennila
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently if I choose specific options in editor in iPhone 5 and 6 e.g. bold, italic and underline. It retains the style for first line only. As soon as I hit enter all the selected style is gone. If editor is retaining the style in multi lines in other browsers then it should also retain in iPhone as well
Last Updated: 07 Mar 2016 13:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Loga
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2021 14:09 by ADMIN
The only way to detect when a control has completed binding to a datasource is via it's dataBound event. When you need to know if multiple controls have been dataBound it creates a less than ideal situation.

A common scenario I encounter is when I have a search view with multiple dropdownlists and I need to set default values in those dropdownlists prior to loading a Kendo grid with search results based on the selections in the dropdownlists. Note: these are not cascading dropdowns - each dropdownlist is independent of the others. 

In order to set the selected values in each dropdownlist I have to know when each one is databound and only then can I set the selected value. Once all dropdownlists are databound then I can refresh the grid based on those selections. 

In order to make this work I have to "chain" the dropdownlists together. To do this I set the first dropdownlist AutoBind = true and the rest false. When the first dropdownlist dataBound event fires my JavaScript selects the correct value in that dropdownlist and refreshes the datasource on the next dropdownlist in the chain. When its dataBound event fires I select its value and refresh the next dropdownlist's datasource in the chain and so forth. This pattern continues until all dropdownlists are databound. In the last dropdownlist dataBound event handler I refresh the grid's datasource now that all the default selections have been made. 

This implementation is messy and cumbersome. It would be nice to have a parent Kendo ajax manager that all databound controls in the view could register with when the view loads. Then each databound control would notify the ajax manager when it is databound. The ajax manager would then fire an event to indicate that all controls have been databound. Then my code could handle setting the default dropdownlist values and refreshing the grid in one event handler which would be much cleaner than the current approach.
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 16:09 by ADMIN
It would be really easy if we can directly load parameters from Web Api calls and load into ButtonGroup dynamically. The idea is to genarate ButtonGroup according to the number of parameters in web response. There should be option to assign index for each button based on the value in the Web API call.

Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 09:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Bryan Patrick
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Navigator works great.  Pan and Zoom work great.  But when you try both on the page zooming and panning completely mess up the data navigator.

I realize pan and zoom are new so maybe this is already in the works.

My support ticket pointing out the problem:
Last Updated: 23 Feb 2016 10:35 by ADMIN
Created by: T F
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I have a kentoTreeList with a custom footer in which I'm calculating my own footer numbers.  When I export the grid, I see the div tags embedded in my footer template.  Is there a way to export to excel once the footer template is populated?
Last Updated: 18 Feb 2016 10:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Kendo chart are not stacked