When you set focus on a masked text box that has an existing value, the cursor position is reset to the beginning of the input - even if there is no mask. I propose: If there is no mask (i.e so its acting as free text) - don't reset the cursor position on focus, instead, behave like an ordinary input box.
The timezone should be adjustable [e.g. like in Moment Timezone date.tz('Asia/Tokyo')] or today should be accessible/configurable from outside the widget. Currently getToday() always returns the local time. Suggestion: Add the attribute today to the options and change the initialization of var today = new DATE() in getToday() to var today = new DATE(options.today) ...
@Html.DevExpress().ComboBox( settings => { settings.Name = "comboBox4"; settings.Width = 180; settings.SelectedIndex = 0; settings.Properties.DropDownWidth = 550; settings.Properties.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDownList; settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Editors", Action = "MultiColumnComboBoxPartial" }; settings.Properties.CallbackPageSize = 30; settings.Properties.IncrementalFilteringMode = IncrementalFilteringMode.StartsWith; settings.Properties.TextFormatString = "{0}"; settings.Properties.ValueField = "CustomerID"; settings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(string); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("ContactName", "ContactName", 130); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("CompanyName", "CompanyName", Unit.Percentage(100)); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("Country", "Country", 60); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("Phone", "Phone", 100); } ).BindList(ViewData["Customers"]).GetHtml()
I think it could be useful to have a configuration option that enables/disables the TreeView's connection lines
We want the file upload control (chunk save method) to save the state while navigating between different pages sharing the same master page
I'm trying to move my ASP.NET AJAX to Kendo MVC, but there is one way to customize the radioButton that doesn't translate to Kendo. A picture/video would be more descriptive, but I'll just sent the html as that's my only option. It toggles the multiple choices for the radio button, very intuitive for the user... It would be nice to be able to do this on the Kendo side as well. : <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Fld1" HeaderStyle-Width="130px" UniqueName="tmpFld1" > <ItemTemplate> <telerik:RadButton ID="rbFld1" runat="server" ToggleType="CustomToggle" ButtonType="StandardButton" AutoPostBack="false" Checked="false" OnClientToggleStateChanged="toggleStateChanged" DataField="Fld1" > <ToggleStates> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="Not Reviewed" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckbox" Selected="false" Value="-1" /> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="No" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckbox" Selected="false" Value="0" /> <telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="Yes" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckboxChecked" CssClass="rbSkinnedButtonChecked" Value="1"/> </ToggleStates> </telerik:RadButton> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <telerik:RadButton ID="rbFld2" runat="server" ToggleType="CustomToggle" ></telerik:RadButton> </EditItemTemplate> </telerik:GridTemplateColumn> </Columns> </MasterTableView> : <telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript" > var isToggle = false; function toggleStateChanged(sender, args) { var grid = $find("<%= RadGrid1.ClientID %>"); var masterTableView = grid.get_masterTableView(); var batchEditingManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager(); var parentCell = $telerik.$(sender.get_element()).closest("td")[0]; isToggle = true; // Update if initial value changed var isChecked = args.get_currentToggleState().get_value() === "-1"; batchEditingManager.changeCellValue(parentCell, !isChecked); } function batchEditOpening(sender, args) { // this prevents opening of the cell if the user clicks outside the RadButton if (!isToggle && args.get_columnUniqueName() === "tmpFld1") { args.set_cancel(true); } else { isToggle = false; } } </script> </telerik:RadCodeBlock>
http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/templates/overview#template-syntax Comment requires double slash // var result = template(data); /Pass the data to the compiled template
Returning only error messages from the validate method does not provide enough information to perform any meaningful processing of the errors - for instance, it is not possible to identify the field from a validation error without resorting to parsing the message
The linear gauge becomes cutoff at certain heights. If it's less than 50 pixels more and more features are cutoff. I'd like the linear gauge to be able to be 10 pixels without a cutoff.
We have isnull and isempty operators for string fields. But it is too much "technical" for standard users. It is hard to explain difference between null and empty. It is the same for most of user. It is just "no value". There is no difference in grid view. Youll see empty space. Empty string or null value, it desn't matter. There should be operator to filter nulls and empty strings with one filter item. Something like "With value" and "Without value". It implements merged operators "isnull or isempty".
Support has no doubt provided help to hundreds of people with thousands of issues but these problems and solutions are not available to search. Ideally it would be possible to make the basic problem and solution available in a FAQ, cleansed of private information, so that it could be searched by people before contacting support. It would take some time to setup but it would make it easier to self-solve issues in many cases.
This is a proposal to have the excelExport function allow an array of columns to be passed through to it. This will then allow additional (hidden) columns of the grid (that is also available in the datasource) be able to be exported.
Develop a kendo form component and make edit field easy arrangement,just like bootstrap 12 grids system.the "popup" edit mode of kendo grid is not friendly when it has a lot of fields.The kendoForm component may be consist of form toolbar,form content and form footer.
Hi Product team! I would love to have similar heat map chart on Kendo, as swimlane guys have: https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/#/ngx-charts/heat-map or https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/#/ngx-charts/calendar Thank you! otherwise you are doing great job.
Hi, it would be nice if we can have a distinction between days when using a timelineWeek or timelineWorkWeek. If you have a lot of ressources (with vertical grouping for example) it could be difficult to see when a day is ending and the other is starting: see here. It could be nice if we can have a border with a different css class (ie black color) that shows this behavior. We did it on our side by using the slotTemplate but it's a kind of workaround that adds extra code/rendering time that could be done by the component itself on the first place.
TreeMap MVC Demo doesn't show how the colors ranges are achieved. http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/treemap/index It would be help to show how the color rangers are specified. http://www.telerik.com/forums/mvc-treemap-sample-could-be-improved-with-the-addition-of-colors-range
Some ListBox widget ideas and proposals: See screenshot: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/TAVZGw63BSVVT6Nh8hXbiHerZ3L0krBzboONI07PpFByROeqKPiFgrlaPnTMtIUZ94D8xRog=w1920-h960 1. Add two search fields, so it is possible to search within the left and right panes individually. 2. Add headers above the search fields. They can be configured via templates. Also add options for selecting/deselecting all items in the corresponding pane. Checkbox’s middle state should also be considered. 3. Add option (API) for enabling/disabling ListBox widget as a whole widget (similar to DropDownList, ComboBox, etc.), not only item by item. 4. Add support for data virtualization (similar to DropDownList, ComboBox and AutoComplete). 5. Add API (public methods or fields) for retrieving the current status of the items in the ListBox. For example: - a method/property which returns the count of currently selected items - a method/property which returns the count of currently showed items (if searching, not all items will be visible) - a method/property which returns the count of total items This information can be shown in the headers via template, for example.
The listview endless scrolling is a neat feature but it will be good if we could configure it to be in reverse. We are building chat system in our app and want to have the endless scrolling widget but need it to scroll in reverse.
Add columns to timepicker to have multiple columns instead of a long list. Like you have for the Telerik Ajax Timepicker