I think, it would by great, to have option to chunk files into smaller pieces. It allows better uploading big files. When using PHP backend, there is max post size restriciton. I think, chunking method is faster etc.
There appear to be a number of options missing from this control that keep it from being really powerful. For example: - there does not appear to be a method in which to access the files currently selected, in order to remove one. - If you want to limit the file types selected, you have to cancel the entire selection event, which will only piss off end users. -The only way to show a "remove" button is to have something post back to the server, which makes no sense if AutoUpload is false. - If you want to clear the list of uploaded items, you have to use jQuery to remove the LI's (WTF?) My proposed changes: - Have a Remove button regardless of whether there us a Remove URL set or not. If there is not a Remove URL set, disable the Remove/cancel button while files are being uploaded. - Add a clear() method to remove all files, uploaded or otherwise. - Add a getFiles() method to get a list of all in-memory files being managed. - Add a remove(file) method, so that files that were accidentally selected can be removed in the Select event handler without having to choose between adding a server-side call and pissing off the end user. - Add a setFileTypes() method that lets you pass in an array of file types to accept. All others will be automatically removed from the collection. - Make the Drag&Drop capability set the drop zone visibility by default. You can manage that in jQuery without making me add more styles manually. Thank you for your consideration.
I would like to have Kendo upload widget in a popup window to track the upload progress, while user navigate through different child pages in asp.net master page application. Larger file upload will take time and it will be very useful to have such a capability progress through the upload while user able to perform other things.
Add support to the Upload widget to upload files to an OData service, for instance to add attachments to SharePoint list items using SharePoints OData service. At the same time it would be good to be able to specify the urls for the Upload widget in an upload-datasource in a view model to which the Upload widget is databound, basically separate the uploading from the widget. That way you can choose to use an OData upload-datasource or a multipart/form-data upload-datasource. Obviously this OData upload-datasource may only be supported in browsers that support the HTML5 file api.
I see in the forums you do not support what i need - but we really need it and will have to use a different control without it. We need the ability to have the upload control, look, feel and act like it does in "Async Mode". But when in this mode we need it to only upload 1 or two individual files at a time. The issue is not bandwidth it is processing power. So the "batch" trick doesn't work - we don't need all the files at once. We need one file at-a-time, with the easy of letting the user pick a bunch and see them all listed out. Something like Async{ throttleLimit: 2} - Where throttle limit simply keeps the number of pending uploads to 2 and waits until they succceed/fail to start uploading the next and so on.
i really needed Upload By Folder like goolge drive uploader. i hope kendo will add that feature.
Provide the image preview option for kendo upload.
when we want to storage files directly to Azure storage we need first to upload the files to the server and then upload from the server to the azure storage... why there isn't an option like RadCloudUpload that support cloud storage providers ?
Hi Team, I suggest the feature which can be copy and paste image while upload images. For fashion industry, we handle many images of clothes and we need to upload image to legacy system. However, we don't upload images by drag drop of them. We add the arrows, shapes and some texts about the image on the Excel As of now, we capture all of them and put the image editing tool and then save and upload. so, if there's new feature which can be paste from clipboard, it'll be save much time for many person. Example of free component that already do this: https://pqina.nl/filepond/#examples
Currently, the DropZone is always rendered around the Telerik UI Upload widget and there is no built-in option that can be used in order to not render the DropZone.
In order to hide the DropZone, the following is required:
#wrapper {
display: inline-block;
.k-upload {
border-width: 0;
.k-upload .k-dropzone {
padding: 0;
.k-upload-status-total {
display: none;
$(document).ready(function() {
//Removing the "Drop files here message"
$("#files").closest(".k-upload").find(".k-dropzone em").remove();
However, if Boostrap is used, additional steps are needed - all the necessary classes should be returned accordingly:
In order to be able to manage files attached to server objects, it would be nice if we could bind the Upload widget to a datasource. The read() method of the datasource could be used to load the widget with the list of files attached to a given server object. The create() method would be used to upload new files to the sever. The destroy() method would be used for deleting existing files on the server. This would make the upload widget more consistent with other widgets like the combo boxes or the dropdown lists.
Telerik Upload is lacking image preview and scaling options. Please add support to show a thumbnail of images before uploading and also the ability to resize images on the client. This is really important when you have people wanting to upload photos and they select big files when you only need a small image. Images can be scaled server side but much faster upload and more convenient client side. Examples of free components that already do this: https://www.plupload.com/ https://nodeca.github.io/pica/demo/
When we have a scenario with the Upload component configured with a chunk upload configuration, we cannot upload a file that contains an apostrophe in its name.
The selected for upload file is not being uploaded.
** If the above scenario is tested in an MVC project, the error returned from the server is "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client". Below you will find a test project:
The files selected for upload should not have any issues with their uploading, no matter if there is an apostrophe in their name or not.
With the upload contronl when I select many items at one time it create un bunch of files can be upload in same batch. But when I select many files in different selection the control create bunch for every selection. For validation purpose I need to get all files in a single upload, but I cant control how the user select his files.
Actual Expected
It would be very helpful if you could standardize the button configuration across all widgets to have the same styling and usage properties. Specifically, the KendoUploader button does not have the configuration options for spriteCssClass, icon, or imageUrl. It is possible to add a background icon via css, but in some cases a texture or other background icon may be used across the entire button, making it very difficult to apply a icon as a background to the button also.
Upload for MVC lucks upload in chunks feature as upload for ajax. So it is impossible to upload large files (like more than technical limit for asp.net in 4Gb). In my current project with 360 degrees videos where files might be 10+ Gb it is vital.
Incorporate some mechanism which will allow us to handle situations where a file is uploaded, yet the target folder already has a file with the same name. i.e. An event that is fired we can trap which will allow us to rename the file, then save it.
Would you consider adding a property for "FileSource" to the Files option of the upload widget? Then i could set the base 64 string (since the images are stored in the database). This would make it so much easier to display an image preview for these files. Right now I have to do a hack because this is not supported (see ticketID: 1348670). Please consider adding this property for the next version - thank you! Here is what the code would look like with the new property available: .Files(files => { foreach (var file in Model.Attachments) { files.Add().Name(file.FileName).Extension(file.Extension).Size(file.Size).FileSource(file.Base64Src); } }
The Upload widget would be vastly more useful if it could upload with the PUT as this would enable direct to S3 or GCS PUTs.