Hi Team,
I'd like to request the autoScroll functionality with Keyboard Navigation for the Kendo UI TreeView so if the user navigates below or above the page, the focused item will scroll into view.
Thank you!
Bug report
TreeView applies aria labels to items that don't have children on double-click
Reproduction of the problem
1. https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/treeview/remote-data-binding
Expected/desired behavior
aria-busy="true" shall not be added.
Kendo UI version: [all]
jQuery version: [all]
Browser: [all]
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to add a destinationNode event argument during the drag event when an item is over a Kendo UI TreeView. This way, it would be beneficial to set the status class based on the destinationNode's properties.
Thank you!
According to the ARIA spec, the TreeView non-parent nodes should not have the aria-expanded. Otherwise they would be incorrectly described to assistive technologies as parent nodes.
The bottom nodes shouldn't have an aria-expanded attribute.
The DataBound event fires for each node that has children, but does not fire for the bottom-level nodes. This is the same behavior as the hierarchical data source Change event. It fires for each datasource level, which includes a parent and its children, but does not fire for the children unless they also have children. Since there also is no event that triggers when the entire tree is loaded, there is no good way to perform an operation on each TreeView node after the TreeView is refreshed. The only way is to traverse the tree after using a timeout to wait for the datasource to load. This is a brittle arrangement. Incident 1041348 provides a test case for this scenario.
When using datasource read action, the read action sends an id with to the read action for each node in the treeview. Could be nice if it was possible to send this id with the signalR read method. We need this Id in our solution to load the tree correctly. So an option to use the node id in signalR would be very usefull.
Save/sync HierarchicalDataSource (treeview), having kendo.data.Node models, does not work properly: - though setting a kendo.data.Node model, the view model is not applied on all items(e.g. setting the field type), it's applied only on level 0 items - if modifying a single field on a lower/higher level(e.g. 5th level) in a hierarchycal data source, the entire hierarchy is sent to the server (instead of a single item, probably more than 100 might be sent, thought a single field, on a single item was change) - when deleting some items, the deleted items are sent as an array (which is ok), but when updating it sends the entire herarchy(see above) - when creating a lower level item, the create command is not send to the server; only an update on level 0 item (see above) - there no consistency on what's sent to the server on add/update/delete (e.g. add: level 0 - create; other levels: update on level 0 parent - parent/"grandparent"/...) - when calling the sync method to save any changes, the model is not updated on succesful save (similar to what's on grid - DataSource), e.g. if server generates an id for the item - when moving an item from a node to another, destroy command is called, not an update - on the documentation it says it inherits everything from DataSource, but it seems they do not work properly
Add the ability to search for partial text in tree view as well as search for other properties not just by name or UID. When searching, often times you are doing so without remembering exact names or UID. Exact match is pretty much useless in this case. Also being able to search for other properties of the nodeData would be extremely helpful. For example, I have an item type property which I would like to search on.
Expose originalEvent in the dragstart event like it is done in dragEnd event. This gives the posibility to check if the ctrl key is pressed en prevent dragging if ctrl key should be considered.
It will be great if kendo has a single operation to ensure node visibility upon selection, i.e. automatically do all of these 3 under the hood: 1) select the node 2) expand collapsed parents 3) scrollIntoViewIfNeeded Something like: treeview.select(node, true);
We want Kendo Workbook to export TreeView group data to Excel. We have a situation where we need to export grouped data from TriewView as is to Excel to represent the hierarchical relationship in Excel.
Please make the drag/drop ignore property accessible when treeview drag/drop is enabled. It would be helpful even if it was something static like k-ignore-drag. This would allow parts of my template to not initiate the drag/drop. Thanks
The TreeView control does work on mobile, and on android the performance is acceptable, on iPhones however it suffers from the same problem that onclick suffers from, sometimes a click registers as a move instead of a click so you have to click many times to get a branch node to open. It would be better if it could use the kendo touch events (the equivalent of data-click)
I am using TreeView and many other Kendoui HTML controls in my WebPart and I am finding it very fast and good looking, just I am facing only issue while sorting the nodes because I am creating HTML element ul dynamically with multiple nodes and then applying KendoUITreeView() Please provide sort as standard method on TreeView.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the functionality to move a node from within a folder to the outside of it by dragging it horizontally to the left.
Thank you!
treeview filter for parent as well as child view I.e Filter by Contains ie if i'd enter the alphabet 'A' then it will shows all the word contains 'A' in parent and as well as child node
Add a clear method to the TreeView to clear all nodes.
Kendo TreeView should return a promise. When using treeview and setting loadOnDemand: true when you call expand on a node that has not been loaded there's no way to know when the loading has completed. Returning a promise will allow the developer to know when the expansion has completed.
It would be nice to have more control over the item templates. ie, be allowed to more easily do stuff like: