Drag & Drop multiple nodes in a treeview from one parent to another.
If i have lots of children nodes that i need to move from one parent to another I have to do one at a time... it will be usefull to select multiple nodes and
in one single drag&drop do the shift.
:upon selecting an item, either by click or programmatically, $(tv).scrollIntoView(item) with would bring the item into view, even in multilevel nested, hierarchical, situations. that would be very sweet!! I have tried JQuery.scrollTo but have had no success in nested <li> scenarios. thanks item will scroll into view
We want Kendo Workbook to export TreeView group data to Excel. We have a situation where we need to export grouped data from TriewView as is to Excel to represent the hierarchical relationship in Excel.
Create an option to Disable Keyboard Controls on Treeview (for IE page scroll issue)
Expose originalEvent in the dragstart event like it is done in dragEnd event. This gives the posibility to check if the ctrl key is pressed en prevent dragging if ctrl key should be considered.
When using datasource read action, the read action sends an id with to the read action for each node in the treeview. Could be nice if it was possible to send this id with the signalR read method. We need this Id in our solution to load the tree correctly. So an option to use the node id in signalR would be very usefull.
Kendo TreeView should return a promise. When using treeview and setting loadOnDemand: true when you call expand on a node that has not been loaded there's no way to know when the loading has completed. Returning a promise will allow the developer to know when the expansion has completed.
The expand Icon of the treeview node is being reset, if another node is dropped above/below it.
To reproduce this behavior you can take the Drag and Drop demo of the treeview. In the initial state the "Furniture" node is expanded. If you take the "Decor" node and drop it above the furniture node, the "Furniture" node stays expanded but the icon changes to collapsed.
ADMIN EDIT: workaround: https://dojo.telerik.com/@bratanov/aLigiWaz
The issue does not manifest with R3 2019 SP1.
You can also monitor it in the following GitHub issue: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-ui-core/issues/4820
If you have some hotkeys on the page for example ALT + left arrow and ALT + right arrow and if the focus on TreeView these hotkeys are also affected tree and one can't prevent it.
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the autoScroll functionality with Keyboard Navigation for the Kendo UI TreeView so if the user navigates below or above the page, the focused item will scroll into view.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request the functionality to move a node from within a folder to the outside of it by dragging it horizontally to the left.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to add a destinationNode event argument during the drag event when an item is over a Kendo UI TreeView. This way, it would be beneficial to set the status class based on the destinationNode's properties.
Thank you!
It would be nice to have more control over the item templates. ie, be allowed to more easily do stuff like:
Hi there,
We noticed an issue with our Numeric TextBox after a recent upgrade on Chrome. We're currently on Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit), the latest version at the time of writing. Our setup has a grid using a TreeView as an editor template. The TreeView, in turn, uses a NumericTextBox inside its item template. I've prepared a working demo that illustrates the issue. If you click on the last column of the grid, expand the TreeView and click on one of the NumericTextboxes, you will see that it loses the focus as soon as you click on it. As a result, it's impossible to input anything into those fields. Any other browsers don't have this issue.
We had a lot of issue reports from our clients this week so we're pretty sure it's a recent update from Chrome. Please let me know if you need further clarification. This is a fairly serious issue for us as it's affecting one of the main functionalities of our web application. If you can provide a temporary workaround before the proper fix comes out, that'd be great.
Brian Roth
The expandTo and expandPath methods of the TreeView do not change the data-expanded and aria-expanded attributes to "true".
After the items are expanded, their data-expanded and the aria-expanded attributes are false.
After the items are expanded, their data-expanded and the aria-expanded attributes should be set to true.
I am using Kendo tree view with drag and drop feature enabled in it. I am facing problem with it in my Samsung note 10 mobile. Where a normal swipe on the phone with the tree view is picked up as a drag and drop. Is there a way to differentiate between these two.
There is an accessibility issue regarding MAS 4.2.1 - Object Information.
Using keyboard navigation and screen reader (Windows Narrator),
While the focus is on expanded tree item (with inner children), screen reader should not read all the children information in one go, it should read one by one.
See the attached video.
Can you help please?
If the TreeView dataSource gets an error on a read request, the TreeView displays the "Request failed. Retry" message. However, on a subsequent successful request, the TreeView is not refreshed.
The TreeView should be refreshed on a subsequent successful request.
According to the ARIA spec, the TreeView non-parent nodes should not have the aria-expanded. Otherwise they would be incorrectly described to assistive technologies as parent nodes.
The bottom nodes shouldn't have an aria-expanded attribute.