Last Updated: 06 Dec 2019 09:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request
An action that would work just like the MVC @Ajax.ActionLink with the AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId , HttpMethod , InsertionMode }

Which adds the data-ajax attributes to the anchor tag:

data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="Get" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-update="#AjaxContent"
Last Updated: 15 May 2017 11:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Tom Stacy
Comments: 3
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request
Add an overflow option/setting to the menu control. If the height or width of a menu group exceeds the current page viewport height or width, a new section would be added to the beginning and end of the menu to allow scrolling without adding scrollbars. 

Example - If a horizontal menu has a sub menu that exceeds the height of the current page viewport, add sections to the top and bottom of the sub menu to allow the menu items to be scrolled up or down (mouseover or click) without adding a scrollbar to the sub menu.
Last Updated: 06 Dec 2019 09:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Angelo
Comments: 3
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request
Kendo UI is so customizable, which is why I'm transitioning away from DHTMLX, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile. The Menu currently allows some control over click events, but I think, in keeping with Kendo's current customization options, full control over click and hover events would be a great thing to have.

I was able to mock this by commenting out 1 line of code, so to add as a configure option, this should be pretty easy to implement.
Last Updated: 06 Dec 2019 09:36 by ADMIN
its not very easy and transparent to find out what menu item was clicked and what function is to be executed. A simple callback reference would be most convenient. Or at least a simple value to compare. Other advantage is that in case of international translations the code is not impacted
Last Updated: 06 Dec 2019 10:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Gabriel
Comments: 0
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request
Have the menu act the same as a DropDown with detached Popup which lives in the document.body so it can expand over splitters and other things that hide the menu expansion.
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