Last Updated: 11 Jul 2021 15:10 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP1
Created by: Kazimierz
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Issue that I have can be observed on any grid with checkbox selection and filtering enabled at the same time (I edit this demo by adding filtering an already I can see my problem).

I have a grid with 10 records with checkbox selection, filtering and "persistSelection" option enabled. I select a single record with a checkbox. I use filtering and only 5 records remain visible, selected record is not visible (didn't match the filter). When I clear the filter my selected record remains checked. If I do the same but filtering causes all records to disappear then after clearing the filter my selected record is no longer checked. So we can see that selection persistence works differently depending on results of filtering. That is confusing and looks like a bug.

Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 11:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
when putting grid into new item creation state it should be possible to put new item with some predefined fields.

Current it is realy difficult to achieve that:

using datasource and insert do not contain isNew on model, also put it on top of grid page is difficult, not possible

using model.set. on edit event causing fireing save event when it should be fired only when item is realy saved.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 14:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Basvaraj
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I have a grid with Column Employee Name and i have Employee names as John and john. As you see the names are same but case sensitive is different. When i group the column Employee Name. The Kendo grid treats it as separate values.
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 12:19 by ADMIN
When using setOptions and loadOptions to allow users to save their personal configurations of a grid, it would be nice if I didn't have to manually add all of the templates to the options object before calling setOptions. Without that step, columns using view templates appear with the raw data. To add the templates to the options object, I'm forced to separate them out as functions instead of leaving them inline with the column definition.
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:46 by ADMIN
I do not understand the rational behind this behaviour other than it is easier to implement than what I would consider normal multi-select behaviour.

Multi-selection should be enabled by holding down the ctrl or shift key to select non contiguous or contiguous rows like every other application on earth.

Using the mouse in this manner also prohibits the ability to drag rows which has also been raised on this forum.

Lastly, almost every js based grid I've ever seen, KendoUI included cannot handle multi-select AND virtual paging. Once selected rows go out of scope, they will not be re-selected when back in scope.

Be the first to market on this feature and trump your competition. It is a hard feature to implement, but one that is surely worth the bragging rights.
Last Updated: 08 Jul 2021 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Tony
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Please add a simple way to add column calculations to the grid. From simple addition and multiplication to complex calculations across grid columns. Key features would include:

Calculations fire on key up key down events for selected cells
Formula builder like excel
Calculated fields automatically save to db on save
Calculated fields included in aggregates in footer

Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Heiko Falk
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Currently having a column format of "{0:#}" does not infect the filters format. E.g. 5 becomes to 5.00 on blur event in filter dialog. So we have to modify filters behaviour manually which is a pain. Currently we are using this function:

function configureFilterFormatting($grid) {
    var kendoGrid = $grid.getKendoGrid();
    kendoGrid.bind('filterMenuInit', function (event) {
        var column;
        $j.each(event.sender.columns, function (index, item) {
            if (item.field == event.field) {
                column = item;
        if (!column) {
            throw new Error('Invalid column');
        if (column.format) {
            // Transform '{0:#}' in '#'
            var format = column.format.replace(/^{0:/, '').replace(/}$/, '');
            event.container.find('[data-role=numerictextbox]').each(function () {
                var $numericTextbox = $j(this);
                $numericTextbox.getKendoNumericTextBox().setOptions({ format: format })
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 12:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Tino
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
The current method of selecting the item to filter forgeinkey column is not useful for a lot of records.
It is necessary to enable the filter template customization, or add search/autocomplete to current filter template.
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2021 12:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
In lieu or as part of select-all capability:

Expose a way to retrieve the filtered set of data (or keys) in the grid and other filterable controls.

In other words, when a user has applied their own filters, there is currently no method to retrieve the filtered set across the entire dataset. That makes implementing a select-all button a bit tricky as you have to either select all on the current page (view) or the entire unfiltered dataset and then apply the filter yourself.
Last Updated: 05 Aug 2020 08:29 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R1.SP1

Following example @ sorts a column menu. When hide column is then clicked, the wrong column is hidden.

This can be seen in your own dojo example linked in the above doc and @ . Hiding column Ship Name hides Ship Address instead.

This seems to have been introduced in 2019 R2 SP1 version.


Last Updated: 12 Apr 2022 13:33 by ADMIN

Bug report

When sorting is enabled for a virtualized Grid with local data, in some cases the Grid does not show correct items when sorted.

Reproduction of the problem

1, Open the Dojo example
2. Scroll to the bottom
3. Sort the Grid

Current behavior

Only the last 3 items are displayed. (screencast)

Note: The issue does not occur every time.

Expected/desired behavior

Enough items to fill the Grid height should be displayed. There should be no blank space without records.


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.2.616
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2022 08:24 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R3

Bug report

When calling the exportSelectedToExcel method and passing true to it, so that the headers are also exported, a js exception related to the aggregates (count, sum, etc.) is thrown.

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example:

  1. Select a few cells and click the button above the Grid.

Current behavior

A js exception is thrown.

Expected/desired behavior

No js exception is thrown and the Grid is exported as expected.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.621
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 08 Jul 2021 09:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Carlos Caldeira
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Give the developer an option to show a search field in the grid. This option should be configurable so we could chose which column(s) to search in. With a single keyword the user would be able to get a specific row.
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2021 07:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcin
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Grouping row in grid can expand/collapse after click on any area on the row not only after click on plus/minus icon. This behavior is similar to checkbox in browser with label for attribute
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2022 11:52 by ADMIN
The  two grid tables are created for locked columns work.  The .k-grid-content-locked element is used for columns which are locked, while the .k-grid-content element holds the scrollable content. Due to this behaviours functionalities like Tabbing become complex task to achieve.
Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 11:36 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)


  2. Click the "Change Price" button

Expected: kendoConsole logs the dataItem info in the top message
Actual: dataItem() doesn't find the model even though it exists in the Grid dataSource

In the Grid source code in the refresh function, _data is set to dataSource.view() if partialUpdate is true. For a grouped dataSource, view() will return the parents. This breaks the dataItem function since it relies on the flat array for retrieval.

It looks like this issue was introduced in version 2024.1.319 as it doesn't seem to affect 2024.1.130.

Last Updated: 22 Dec 2021 12:03 by ADMIN
kendo grid dynamic does not contain a definition for MinResizableWidth throwing this error on resize column ..multiple dynamic gids in my mvc view 

minResizableWidth float
The pixel screen width below which the user will not be able to resize the column via the UI.

Bug: Column Resize Handle not showing on dynamic Grid Columns

The problems are the hidden columns. If you have a hidden column in the grid, you can't resize all other columns after the hidden column. That is a very nasty bug, so please Kendo-UI team make a fix for it.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 15:57 by ADMIN
Pressing <Enter> should save grid row edited in-line by default, even if it has a sub-grid. Currently, if a grid row does not have a sub-grid, pressing <Enter> saves it when edited in-line, but if it has a sub-grid, that sub-grid gets expanded instead. I think, this is a non-standard behaviour (can be set by specifying some new option, but not by default). If my suggestion will be implemented, it will allow to speed up data entry, because if user types in some text in a text box, it is easier and faster for him to press <Enter> rather that switch to the use of mouse.

Also, pressing <Esc> cancels editing in any case (with sub-grid or without), which is correct.
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2020 12:03 by ADMIN
Virtual scrolling does not work for big datasets in IE and Firefox. We need adaptive scrolling
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2020 14:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Shawn
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

We have few of dynamically created grid controls. I like to change the grid header style for all of them. I found this solution on the forum however there is an issue with this. If I override ".k-grid-header th.k-header" the change effects column filter popup content as well. See this example on dojo: all text and drop down texts are also effected.

I just need to override the title text. What style can I set so the title text is bold but not the filter options?

