I would like to request the configuration of the Search Panel to have a custom search function. For example, I could use this to modify search results(ie. ignore accents).
Thank you!
When the Grid is used with MVVM, if there is a footer template defined for a given column and 'data-auto-bind' is set to false, the footer template is not rendered properly.
The footerTemplate defined for the "Unit" column is displayed under "ProductName"
The footerTemplate defined for the "Unit" column should be displayed under the "Unit" column
When there are a lot of columns on the page and a column is shown, it is shown at its original position in the grid columns array.
It would be much better from a user experience point of view if the column is shown where the user clicked on the column menu to show the hidden column.
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the functionality to allow the user to select the ALL option while using GroupPaging.
Thank you
Create Grid with scrollable, resizable, navigable settings set to true in RTL (Chrome Version 85.0.4183.121 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Link to Dojo:
### Feature Request
The TypeScript definitions of the Kendo UI Grid are missing the "editable" object - the object that is built runtime when the grid enters edit mode.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:** 2020.3.915
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
I'm currently get my application up to WCAG 2.1 compliance, however im come across an issue with the kendo grid that is causing it to fail.
when I load up the page there are no issues, the column headers id is a randomly guid and the cells below aria-describedby attributes reference that guid.
However when I press on the column header it sorts the column however in doing so it changes the id of header and this causes the cells below to have their aria-describedby attribute to reference an id that doesn't exist anymore.
I have the grid keyboard navigable.
Is there anyway to force it to always use an id?
would be great to have, will help to make logic easier if we want to save the value to share across all the grids in app
P.S - also would be great to use pageSize = All in Datasource instead of undefined
Hi Team,
I would like to request an CancelIconClass property for the Kendo UI Grid's toolbar which would allow an easier way to change the cancel icon rather than using CSS.
Thank you!
When a Kendo UI Grid has been initialized via a table, If the user sets the th element with data-menu="false", the menu attribute is read as a string instead of a boolean.
The data-menu configuration should be parsed to a boolean.
Hi Team,
We'd like to ask for the functionality of saving asynchronously records with the Kendo UI Grid in a Batch edit mode that would be non-blocking and not interrupting. For example, a user can continue to edit without the loading symbol appearing and causing a delay in editing when the dataSource.sync() fires.
Thank you!
A js exception is thrown on selecting a row with the select method, when the Grid's scrollable option is disabled. The exception started appearing since R3 2020 SP1.
A js exception is thrown on calling the select method.
No exception is thrown.
Bug report
When the persistSelection option of the grid is disabled and several rows are selected across several pages, the selectedKeyNames() method returns all IDs instead of only the ones on the current page.
Reproduction of the problem
1. Set persistSelection to false.
2. Select several rows across several pages.
3. Call the selectedKeyNames method
4. Observe that IDs that are not on the current page are returned.
The steps can be replicated in the following live demo:
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.224
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
Hi Team,
I would like to request the built-in functionality to include fixed headers for the Kendo UI Grid. Specifically, it would be great if it could be included for Hierarchical Grids and Detail Grids.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request the functionality of including a floating horizontal scrollbar. Specifically, this would be for Hierarchical Grids and Detail Grids.
Thank you!
Bug report
Remote data source is not correctly "in sync" when page up/page down buttons are used in Grid with Endless scrolling of remote data
Expected/desired behavior
Endless scrolling shall behave as when the mouse scrolling is used
Kendo UI version: [all]
jQuery version: [all]
Browser: [all]
Currently it is only possible to include some custom header/footer data in an exported Excel worksheet. which is either at the beginning or the end of the rows.
It would be nice to have a feature to set the Excel-Header/Footers from Kendo UI while creating the export file. This Excel headers/footers are only visible when the Excel-Sheet gets printed e.g. you can include Report-Name, creation date or page x of y information.
Have a look at the Header/Footer feature in Excel: Headers and footers in a worksheet - Excel (microsoft.com)