Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 10:53 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3
Created by: Robert
Comments: 5
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
You really need to add sorting to your Kendo UI pivotgrid for flat/local data sources.  The entire point of a pivot grid is to analyze data.  We did a POC with it for our salesmen.  The feedback was:  "It's almost useless if I can't sort it and see my top and bottom sellers, etc...".    So, we're swapping out the pivotgrid for Infragistics Ignite UI.  It's a shame too, cause most everything else is there. 
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2017 13:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Piyush Bhatt
Comments: 4
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
Currently Pivot Grid has very limited support for flat data. Please include a library so we can emulate OLAP on the MVC controller side for the FLAT data and can use full features of the PIvot Grid.

OR somehow fully support the FLAT data in Pivot Grid (including Configurator, Filtering etc)
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Sebastian
Comments: 3
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
At the moment it's possible to drag & drop fields into the grid. But it's not possible to set the field at a specific position. That is very unusual.

I would expect to see a position marker while hovering with a fields over the drop area. When ein drop the field it goes there where the marker was.
Last Updated: 30 Nov 2021 15:46 by ADMIN
Currently measures are displayed as dimensions and there is no visual difference  between them.
I suggest you showing measures as a very first item in the pivot grid configurator. Also please use a  meaningful icon for this item.
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2017 09:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexandru
Comments: 2
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
Currently the Kendo PivotGrid always starts out with one tuple for each dimension on rows and columns, and you can recursively expand members to get to their children. However, even with a moderately deep hierarchy, this quickly consumes a lot of screen real estate.

It would be useful to have the option to drill-down in addition to expand. I understand that it's not an easy feature to design and implement, mainly due to the merging of cells that occurs when expanding, which is also the reason why the grid must always have one single member on the first level of a dimension on rows/columns; but I'm hoping someone can come up with an idea that would make it easier.

Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 15:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Sebastian
Comments: 2
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
It would be nice to have a chart chooser for the PivotGrid build in (a dropdown that i can place anywhere). At the moment it is really difficult to display a PivotGrid in a chart or even change the chart type on the fly. This and the convertion to a chart could be build in so every developer don't need to worry about this.

What i visualize is a dropdown menu which shows all posible chart types. If i choose one, the pivot grid disapears and on it's position the choosen chart apears (optional with the PivotConfigurator in the side). From a chart i can switch back to the pivot grid or choose another chart type.
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2017 09:14 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 0
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2021 10:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add the option to connect to Microsoft SSAS Tabular mode using Kendo UI PivotGrid
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 16:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Rajan
Comments: 5
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
Kendo pivotgrid - clicking on a data cell should produce correct row/column/filter items info so that the info can be used for custom drilldowns and drillthroughs.  Currently the info produce by cells defined by All row/column is incorrect in the interior of the pivotgrid
Last Updated: 18 Mar 2022 09:49 by ADMIN
Hi Team,

I am working on one of client application and we are using pivot grid control jQuery version to connect and pull data from cube but one things which we are missing is getting the cellset properties(back_color) from cube data. 

There are certain business rules applied on the cube to show data with different color schemes. Now based on the cube data color properties , We want to get that as a part of kendo UI pivot grid for the cells.


We saw excel supports that feature, where it can understand the cell set (back color) properties and render the back color. I am also attaching snapshots from excel.

Below is the sample mdx query and highlighted underlined holds cell properties



SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[QCV to Deploy], [Measures].[Initial Calculated Quota], [Measures].[Quota Deployed], [Measures].[Remaining QCV] }

ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([SalesMetric].[Sales Metric Key].[Sales Metric Key].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesMetric].[Sales Metric Name].[Sales Metric Name].ALLMEMBERS ) }


SELECT ( { [SalesOrganization].[SalesOrganization].[All], [SalesOrganization].[SalesOrganization].&[108]} )

ON COLUMNS FROM [QuotaAllocation]) WHERE ( [SalesOrganization].[SalesOrganization].CurrentMember )

Last Updated: 14 May 2024 11:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Guilherme
Comments: 0
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

The pivot grid does not display the correct value after a series of expand and collapse actions.

Reproduction of the problem

Here are the steps for reproduction:

"Expand column "Mês/Ano"

Expand line "N1"

Expand line "N2" of N1 - "CUSTOS PRODUÇÃO"

Expand line "N3" of N2 - "MATERIA PRIMA"

Please, verify the value of the line N3 "PAPEL OFF SET", at column "09/2020" = ($27,184.00)

Expand line "N3" of N2 - "COMPRA DE IMOBILIZADO"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "MERCADORIAS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "PESSOAL"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "SERVICOS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "MANUTENÇÃO DE MAQUINAS"

Expand line "N2" of N1 - "DESPESAS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "PESSOAL"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "DEDUCOES DA RECEITA"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "DESPESAS GERAIS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "VEICULO"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "COMPRA DE IMOBILIZADO"

Expand line "N2" of N1 - "CUSTOS VENDA"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "COMISSOES VENDEDORES"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "REEMBOLSO"

Expand line "N2" of N1 - "SOCIOS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "REEMBOLSO GASTOS SOCIOS"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "RETIRADA"

Retract line "N1" (with sub-lines "N2" and "N3" still expanded)
Expand line "N2" (with lines "N1" and "N3" still retracted)
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "MATERIA PRIMA"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "FRETE"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "PESSOAL"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "COMPRA DE IMOBILIZADO"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "DEDUCOES DA RECEITA"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "DESPESAS GERAIS"

Retract line "N2" (with sub-lines "N3" still expanded)

Expand line "N1"
Retract line "N2" - "SOCIOS" (with sub-lines "N3" still expanded)
Retract line "N2" - "CUSTOS VENDA" (with sub-lines "N3" still expanded)

Retract line "N1" (with sub-lines "N2" and "N3" still expanded)

Expand line "N3" (with lines "N1" and "N2" still retracted)
Retract line "N3"

Expand line "N1"
Expand line "N3" of N2 - "FRETE"
Expand line "N3" of N1 - "CUSTOS VENDA" (with sub-lines "N2" still retracted)
Expand line "N3" of N1 - "SOCIOS" (with sub-lines "N2" still retracted)

Retract line "N1" (with sub-lines "N2" and "N3" still expanded)

Expand line "N3" (with lines "N1" and "N2" still retracted)

Please, verify the value of the line N3 - "PAPEL OFF SET" = ($9,069.50) - That's incorrect. It still should be ($27,184.00)"