With this customization it will be possible to use checkboxes or combo boxes and normalize the selection of data. Actually is possible to use only text and date columns.
Most of the time project managers would like to compare planned start & end dates vs actual start and end dates in gantt view. This feature is not supported by current Gantt chart. What I'm envisioning is something similar to the implementation of Gantt chart by Fusion Charts. (http://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/gantt-charts/). Displaying delays in actual task compared to plan would be an an added advantage. This feature may be implemented using a task template, but it's nice to have feature in the control.
In the Gantt table we would like to configure columns: - width - order - locked column - hide/unhide (columnMenu) Same as done in TreeList in Q1 2015
It would be nice if tasks could be added to gantt that are missing a start date, end date or both dates. For our use case this feature is not only useful, but mandatory. We are visualising a project workflow that goes through several phases and steps. Within our application, the client fills in the dates for these tasks and milestones as the project progresses. Not all dates are filled-in at all times, however when a project manager creates a gantt chart, he wants to see all the tasks. A task without a date is an information in itself. Currently we have to create a fake date entry for tasks without dates.
The dependencies in the Gantt can not be removed.
Nothing happens, there is no confirmation popup, and the dependency is not removed.
A confirmation dialog for confirming the deletion appears and the dependency should be removed.
Add possibility to automatically center the Gantt timeline to a given date onload.
When the end date of a task is edited in the End Time column in Gantt in the save event handler e.task.end returns the new end date value. With versions, before 2020 R3, the old end task value has been returned.
The behavior is inconsistent with editing a task through dragging or by double-clicking on a task as in such case the previous value of the end task will be returned
With the current version, the new end date is returned.
The returned e.task.end should be consistent with the other ways of changing the date e.g. dragging or double-clicking on the task.
When selecting the Month View of the Gantt, unexpected blank space appears and the cell headers are not properly aligned.
To reproduce the problem, open this demo:
And Click Edit in Kendo UI Dojo:
Zoom out the browser so the Gantt has some larger Width and you will notice the blank space + misaligned headers:
The same issue can be observed in the Getting article: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/gantt/get-started
If you expand/collapse the top parent node, it is marked as dirty.
Regression introduced with R1 2023
The top node is marked as dirty when collapsed
The top note shouldn't be marked as dirty upon collapsing
The change event incorrectly triggers at initialization of the Gantt - Regression with 2022.1.301
Also, the event does not trigger when selecting a task from the timeline - Regression with 2022.3.913
Change event triggers after initialization and does not trigger after selection in timeline
Change event shouldn't trigger after initialization and should after selection in timeline
When you collapse a selected task in the Gantt, the selection is lost
The selection is lost
The selection should be preserved
When the duration of a task is edited in the Task Duration column in Gantt in the save event handler e.task.taskDuration returns the new duration value. With versions, before 2020 R3, the old task duration value has been returned.
With the current version, the new task duration is returned.
The returned e.task.taskDuration should return the previous task duration in order to be consistent with the behavior before 2020 R3
With e.preventDefault in the save event of the Gantt, the TreeList becomes unresponsive when blurring a task field.
The parent task collapses and becomes unresponsive
The parent task should not collapse and become unresponsive
Reproducible in the Columns demo: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/gantt/columns
The parent's percent complete is also set to 100%. This is incorrect, since the other children of parent are not removed from the dataSource, they are just visually filtered. The problem becomes more evident, if the filter is cleared. Then the parent keeps its 100% value, even though it contains child tasks with percentComplete less than 100%.
The parent task percent complete should be consistent to the behavior without filtering applied. Using the same example, this means: on updating "Market" to 100%, Research should change its percentComplete to 49%, taking into account all of its children percentComplete values.
A working example of the bug is at https://dojo.telerik.com/EPuqExOg with a simple workaround until the bug is fixed. Currently, the percentage textbox doesn't work when in the German language. The date textboxes localize ok.
When tasks on the same level are dragged and dropped in order to change their relationship as parent - child, the entire Gantt collapses
The entire Gantt is collapsed.
The current expanded/collapsed state should not be changed.
When the culture is changed the NumericTextBox with decimals does not accept valid values when it is rendered inside an editable popup. The issue can be observed when the NumericTextBox is rendered for editing in other components such as Gantt and Grid.
A validation error that the value is not valid appears.
The same behavior occurs in the Gantt component if you try to edit a task, then select Resources and try to edit the Units value - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/uZepIbId
The value of the NumericTextBox should accept changes when the culture is set.
When there is a selected item and filtering is performed in the Gantt, sometimes a task in the new filter result is displayed as selected.
Sometimes the task with ID 11 is marked as selected. The issue does not appear consistently, so you may need to perform the test multiple times.
screencast - https://somup.com/c0XZ6DgaRA
The tasks that have not been selected, should not be displayed as selected after filtering.
When the tasks in the Gantt's TreeList are moved/dragged an item appears over them. When the visible size of the TreeList is small, dragging tasks inside it results in unavailability to understand which task is currently being dragged because the draggable item is partially hidden.
The draggable item is initialized with a negative "left" CSS style. The task name is partially visible or not visible at all.
The draggable item should be visible. The task name should be visible.