Hi ,
I want the kendoGridFocussable to apply the FocusableDirective on an anchor tag. This should allow the user to reach the anchor element using only the arrow keys without pressing Enter. (Example : Please, check out the following StackBlitz demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rqqzam)
When virtual is true for a multiselect and checkboxes are set to true, there is a bug which results in multiple items being selected.
To reproduce, one needs to scroll down a long list of items. The amount to scroll seems random but might have something to do with the itemHeight setting. When clicking directly inside the checkbox, two items are selected at once - the item selected, and one other seemingly random item. This does not happen if the click selection event happens inside the item, but not the checkbox.
I have reproduced this inside this code sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/mystifying-shirley-2qxn32
In Multiselect editor with open state prevented the component stops accepting mouse clicks as a way of moving cursor.
You can find repro here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-u1j1p5-grc1nk?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts
Just copy/paste or type some text and try to change cursor position in word/phrase in order to fix something inside provided word.
When using kendoTooltip directive on the upload component - tooltips are positioned in invalid position somewhere on the app.
cancel, delete, retry tooltips.
When filter popup is opened, it need to be closed by click outside of it
However, popup is closed only after second click outside.
After popup was opened and closed for the first time - next times everything works correctly, so it can be reproduced only after refreshing the page with this component
It can be reproduced in example in your documentation: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/grid/filtering/filter-menu/#toc-custom-filters/
Hello ,
Kindly Have issue with stacked bar when try to draw two items in chart with specified with as the below
<kendo-chart-series-item type="bar" [stack]="{ type: '100%' }" [data]="[97]">
<kendo-chart-series-item type="bar" [stack]="{ type: '100%' }" [data]="[7]">
We are exporting an Excel from a treelist -> there are merged cells, and the table has lots of rows (~20k).
It's taking forever (it's unusable) and the reason is that there is an O(N^2) bug in the toXML function: each row adds a merged cell range, and the mergedCells array is scanned linearly for every new row.
I was able to fix this by adding a mergedCells hash (I would be happy to create a pull request).
Also, as a related issue, it would be nice to be able to change the compression level on the generated zip file, because the default again takes forever for large enough files.
Because of the CSS, if a parent element has used translate (transform: translateX(0px); ) every child element under it is no longer fixed.
This causes components like kendo-dialog to be relatively positioned inside the drawer - usually cut off.
Even turning off animation still leaves the style rule.
I upgraded today from 4.3.7 to v11 and the dates are 1 day off in the scheduler month view, meaning the date variable from let-date (I think).
<ng-template kendoSchedulerMonthDaySlotTemplate let-date="date">
<div>{{ date | kendoDate : 'dd' }}</div>
<ng-template kendoSchedulerMonthDaySlotTemplate let-date="date">
... <div>{{ date | kendoDate : 'dd' }}</div>
The date is just flat out wrong. What's weird is the mouseover shows the correct date.
Again, if I use the old version everything works as expected but the v11 update I'm off by one.
Hi team,
I am working on a simple UI where kendo combo-box is a "column" of a kendo tree-list. The problem is, the opening and closing of kendo combo-box also expands and collapses the kendo tree-list's row.
I think the event of kendo-combo-box is bubbled to treelist. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Here's my Stackblitz example for reproducing the issue (Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-18guak?file=src/app/app.component.ts)
When applying font-size, the bullet list dots aren't affected by yhe changes as the MS Word behave:
MS Word
If the popup is off-screen, it is simply cut off, unlike vertical which flips it to the other side.
Describe the bug
The Kendo UI DropDownTree has several ARIA errors appearing according to the Axe DevTools.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
There should be no ARIA errors related to the Kendo UI DropDownTree.
Please take a look at the following Screencast related to the issue.
For Angular Kendo Scheduler, if the Work week view is selected (default Mon-Fri), and Sunday is selected on the mini calendar to select the date to display - the previous week will be displayed. This is confusing, as simply toggling to Week view will then display the different, current week.
Expected behaviour: current week on mini calendar corresponds to the current week displayed regardless of whether full week or work week view is selected
Actual behaviour: selecting any day up until the desired "work week's start" (even if it's customized to start on e.g. Tuesday - and selecting Monday) will show previous week; switching then to full week view switches the week displayed to the one selected on mini calendar
Curiously, this does not happen for Kendo scheduler for JQuery (https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/index):
The date range picker is not closing when tabbing through inputs when the picker is appended to the 'component'. It also seems that once the date range picker loses focus, it does not close by clicking anywhere else in the document until it regains focus again or the document loses focus.
I reproduced it in Stackblitz and attached a video. In the video there is a button after the date picker that logs to the console when it gains focus. Focus starts at the top of the document, start tabbing until the date range picker pops up, then continue tabbing through the date range picker until the button below the picker gains focus. As you can see the date range picker does not close. Here is the Stackblitz editor link to this: https://stackblitz.com/edit/kendo-daterange-bug?file=app/app.component.ts