Last Updated: 19 Jun 2024 06:24 by ADMIN

Hi All,

We have a requirement to include logo of our company in exported excel files, so as a solution we thought of using IMAGE excel function, however when I used this function and tried to export excel file then I see error in the cell "#NAME?" and when I edit the cell formula with no changes and hit enter then I can see the image appearing inside cell.

IMAGE function

after I edit the cell formula with no change and hit enter then image appears.

Have anyone faced this issue, or have anyone tried any other solution to include images in exported excel file ? if yes, then your help will of great help to me.


Thank you.

Last Updated: 04 May 2023 06:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Christophe
Comments: 1
Category: ExcelExport
Type: Feature Request
I should be so usefull to have something like that :

<kendo-excelexport fileName="Reporting.xlsx" #excelexport>

  <kendo-excelexport-sheet  sheetName="Products">

    <kendo-excelexport-grid [data]="products">

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductID" title="Product ID"></kendo-excelexport-column>

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductName" title="Product Name"></kendo-excelexport-column>



<kendo-excelexport-sheet  sheetName="Stock">

    <kendo-excelexport-grid [data]="stockFromWarehouseOne">

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductID" title="Product ID"></kendo-excelexport-column>

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductName" title="Product Name"></kendo-excelexport-column>

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="Qt" title="Qt"></kendo-excelexport-column>



    <kendo-excelexport-grid [data]="stockFromWarehouseTwo">

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductID" title="Product ID"></kendo-excelexport-column>

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="ProductName" title="Product Name"></kendo-excelexport-column>

        <kendo-excelexport-column field="Qt" title="Qt"></kendo-excelexport-column>




One export, two sheets, on first sheet we have one grid, on second sheet we have two grids splitted by a blank row...