The api should allow for the close of dialog on escape or backdrop click.
Starting with version "4.2.3" the LanguageService fails to be injected into the DialogTitleBarComponent.
This can be easily reproduced in the Single Component Rendering demo.
Link to StackBlitz:
Kindest regards,
We need to have it possible to close the active dialog by click on the overlay(backdrop).
It's very natural as for me and is supported by a lot of libraries for modals/dialogs/windows
Kendo Feature Request
Allow users to disabled keyboard navigation in the Dialog component.
We have a use case where there is a sliding panel in which users can open a dialog. Currently when pressing 'Esc' both our sliding panel and the modal close because they both listen to the document.keydown event. We would like to write some custom logic for this, so that we are able to handle the events in a way so it knows what to close. But we are unable to implement this since we have no way to overwrite/disable the logic in the Dialog component.
I would like to move dialog (because there is some content behind I need to see in order to fill form in dialog).
It would also be great if it could be resizable. If you have an input component inside dialog, you could set width to 100%.
When opening a dialog with DialogService from an Observable (e.g. in order to initialize dialog with data from a http request) and ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, the dialog is messed up. With ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default everything works fine.
For reproduction have a look to this StackBlitz:
Currently the dialog cannot be opened without placing the dialog in the component template. For some scenarios like confirm dialogs, providing a service that creates the dialog is more convenient.
The main.js file for all modules seem to be kept in the following file structure: dist/npm/js/main.js however in the dialog module the main,js file is dist/npm/main.js. This inconsistency causes issues when using systemjs and loading the packages this way.