When dateinput format is "d/M/y" and "allowCaretMode" is enabled, users are unable to enter valid dates. Tested with dateinput and datepicker components.
The user should be able to enter a full year after typing a valid single-digit day and month.
After entering a single-digit day and month, the input locks up, preventing the user from typing more than one character for the year. This prevents users from entering valid dates, making the input unusable in this scenario.
I couldn’t find an existing bug report related to this issue. Could you confirm whether this has already been reported or provide guidance on a potential fix or workaround?
While the grid is initially loading data, the "No records available." message is confusing and provides no useful information.
Expected behavior - when the grid is initially loading, don't display the message as the rows/data might very well appear
To reproduce basically just go to the grid demo page (refresh if needed) and pay attention to the grid loading:
Example in our project - intuitively you'd think that the grid has no records until you see the loader; in any case, the message looks out of place:
*** Feature Request created by Telerik by Progress staff ***
This feature request will allow developers to set inputmode to components like NumericTextBox, DatePicker, and etc. Making mobile users experience better as it will require the Virtual Numeric keyboard to be opened instead of the default that includes letters.
As at this current time the developers are required to select the element using querySelector and setAttribute as demonstrated in the following demo with DatePicker:
This functionality is requested in the following threads:
Ticket reference - 1486073, 1493791, and 1541636.
In Kendo Angular Timeline Component, there are two orientations. One vertical and one horizontal. In the vertical orientation, there is a the feature onToggle
to collapse and expand the timeline section. However in horizontal orientation I don't see such a feature. Is it possible to implement it for horizontal state as well?
I don't want to see all the details in horizontal, only the title and the date is needed. Only when the user expand that I want them to see the details.
When virtual is true for a multiselect and checkboxes are set to true, there is a bug which results in multiple items being selected.
To reproduce, one needs to scroll down a long list of items. The amount to scroll seems random but might have something to do with the itemHeight setting. When clicking directly inside the checkbox, two items are selected at once - the item selected, and one other seemingly random item. This does not happen if the click selection event happens inside the item, but not the checkbox.
I have reproduced this inside this code sandbox:
When using kendoTooltip directive on the upload component - tooltips are positioned in invalid position somewhere on the app.
cancel, delete, retry tooltips.
When grouped data contains a large number of columns, processing the aggregates takes significant time resulting in freezing for a couple of seconds when grouping virtualized Grid by certain column fields, e.g.:
When increasing the browser zoom level while using a kendo-splitter with two kendo-splitter-pane elements, one of the panes exceeds the boundaries of the kendo-splitter. As a result, part of the content becomes hidden.
Steps to Reproduce:
<kendo-splitter-pane [collapsible]="true" size="30%">
<h3>Inner splitter / left pane</h3>
<p>Resizable and collapsible.</p>
<h3>Inner splitter / center pane</h3>
<p>Resizable only.</p>
<kendo-splitter-pane [collapsible]="true" size="30%">
<h3>Inner splitter / right pane</h3>
<p>Resizable and collapsible.</p>
We could really do with a file explorer, I believe this is already available in your JQuery suite and is planned for .NET Core.
Syncfusion have already implemented an angular file manager which can use Azure Blob Storage as a backend (though other backends are also available).
In fact the syncfusion file explorer is based on your own component. After some digging around looking for a similar solution I found their design document for the component which directly refers to the Telerik's own components. You may want to consider contacting syncfusion on this because it appears to me that they may have breached your copyright.
The FileManger Widget in Kendo for JQuery is a component which is extremely useful in lots of use cases. However, there is not such a component in Kendo for Angular - and adding JQuery to a new Angular app doesn't seem to be the way to go in 2025.
Therefore I'd like to suggest adding a FileManager component to Kendo for Angular- I would be willing to pay extra for that, btw ;-)
When typing into the Angular Datepicker on iOS devices, the page scrolls unexpectedly after entering the first character of any date part (day, month, year). The scroll occurs on each subsequent character input (2nd, 3rd, etc.), making it difficult to use the input field.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Behaviour: The page should remain in place when typing, allowing smooth input without scrolling.
Observed Behaviour: The page scrolls up after entering the second character of any date part (day, month, or year) and continues to do so on each further input.
Reproduction: The issue was recreated using Kendo's own Datepicker example (with added spacing to demonstrate the scroll behaviour).
Affected Platforms:
Additional Notes:
I couldn’t find an existing bug report related to this issue, so I would appreciate it if you could confirm whether this has been reported or provide further guidance.
The page numbers and total items within a pager do not appear to respect the currently loaded i18n locale. For example, there's no comma in the thousands place for the en locale. What makes me believe this is a bug is that the page input which can appear DOES have i18n applied to it so the discrepancy is clearly visible between the two.
As there's no demo with such large page numbers I've created an example as well as a screenshot:
B187rdik (forked) - StackBlitz
When rendering a "No records available" message or template, this should be centered, not stuck in the scrollable columns section.
Hi ,
I want the kendoGridFocussable to apply the FocusableDirective on an anchor tag. This should allow the user to reach the anchor element using only the arrow keys without pressing Enter. (Example : Please, check out the following StackBlitz demo:
By default the grid pagination only works taking count of the actual records instead of (alternatively) taking in consideration the groups count.
It would be nice to have the possibility to choose between those 2 when using groupBy and process functions.
This pagination feature is already implemented in the Kendo Ui for Asp.Net Core, but it is not available in functions such as process, groupBy or (toDataSourceRequest/toDataSourceRequestString/toOdataString)
Here you can find the related documentation page for the Asp.Net implementation.
Right now the only possible way to achieve this behavior in combo with a KendoAngularGrid is to use the (toDataSourceRequest/toDataSourceRequestString), then into the controller you'll have to mutate the DataSourceRequest Object like following:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetData([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var data = //... ;
request. Skip = (request.DataSourceRequest.Page - 1) * request.DataSourceRequest.PageSize;
request.Take = request.DataSourceRequest.PageSize;
request.IsExcelExportRequest = true; // without this the items property of the GroupResult type will be null
request.GroupPaging = true;
return Ok(await data.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request, cancellationToken);
Dear Kendo-Supportteam,
We are experiencing an issue with the Editor component.
It turns out that setting the iframe input to false causes the paste event to be triggered twice.
Once as documented before the valueChange event and once seemingly as the native paste event after valueChange.
There are multiple issues resulting from this.
It is quite easy to reproduce this from your event demonstration examples by just setting the iframe input to false and maybe also trying to call isDefaultPrevented in the respective paste event handler.
Kind Regards,