In our gantt component we need to add a marker on a specific date. (Our "Today" is not the real current day but a specific date)
There is an example for jquery version : https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/knowledge-base/gantt-custom-time-marker
I understand that currentTimeMarker is meant to be used on the current time.. But an input to override and force another date could be useful.
Or maybe be able to add others TimeMarkers with a date as Input should not be difficult to implement as all the code should be almost the same.
An ASP.Net Core (net framework) project template with angular 4 and all the services set up to use the report viewer in the webapp, along with a sample report and the reportviewer in the angular app. You could also use your own angular controls as well?? This would be an enhanced version of the one available for vs2017 with webapis setup for data and serving the report.
Make charts scrollable like how Google Charts implementing it: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/controls#chartrangefilter
Be able to turn off Keyboard Navigation for Kendo Component for Angular 4. (Not just for buttons) Sometimes, our app may certain key down registered for other events but Kendo's component's keyboard navigation can't be turned off easily and will take over our app's keydown. For now, we have to write wrapper for every component that we don't want keyboard navigation like this: http://plnkr.co/edit/yBAvnQ63yg9Y0REMcnRS?p=preview
Not being able to have multiple series with their own y-axes on the same chart is a dealbreaker right now. Equivalent functionality in jquery: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/bar-charts/multiple-axes
Allow the selection of a month and/or year in the datepicker. The datepicker in kendo ui for JQuery allows us to select a month (without day segment).
Multiple date picker, single date pick, date range pick. Please add all functionality in angular date component.
We have a regular need for a non-grid scroller that scrolls over a list of items, virtualizing the instances of the item renderers. The grid does this of course, but it would be quite a hack to implement this for non-grid situations such as a list of cards or panels. Ideally this would work similarly to the grid and support infinite scrolling via the calculated dispatching of pagination events. Also would be great if it supported variable height item renderers.
Regarding not only DateTime Pickers, but Data Query in general, it would be great if you could offer the option to automatically remove the time offset in OData path. Please find an example below: We need to retrieve all data concerning the date "2000-01-01". Data are stored as shown below: Date1: "2000-01-01T00:00:00+02:00" Date2: "2000-01-01T00:00:00+03:00" The OData path constructed is the following: "... or cfTrade/TradeDate eq 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z..." So, no Date is actually retrieved.
It'll be awesome if you can have required packages in the package.json file in StackBlitz based on sample. An example, If I'm looking at Kendo Menu sample code in StackBlitz I can just go to package.json and see all the required packages I need to work with Kendo Menu.
To change the topView or bottomView property I have to set the value as string. E.g. topView="month". To be typesave I like to use the CalendarViewEnum in my typescript code. When I bind the enum in the view, the enum-value is set. But unfortunately the enum value is a number and not a string. I must convert the enum value like: public getBottomView(): string { return CalendarViewEnum[this._bottomView]; } Live would be easier if string enums would be used.
The fromDate method of the kendo-intl package allows to use a skeleton format to provide a generic mask that is applied to the current locale. It would be great to get this functionality for the format string of the date-inputs to gain the possibility to define a locale independent format. E.g yMMMM will show year and month with respect to the current locale.
I requested help in the Forum for an example of using JSDO in a Service under Angular for my grid.component.ts
Please look into building some sample source for an Angular / JSDO Service component.
On grid with 50 rows and 100 columns, autoFitColumns method freezes browser and annoying "Page unresponsive" is shown to the user. Please make function responsive.
Based on high Chrome CPU usage I think method could be ran in background thread. Probably Web workers would be appropriate for this task. This may help.
Using a line chart, using date in the category axes, it will be useful to use the format "week number".
See your example: https://47hbw1.run.stackblitz.io
It doesn't look available from this list: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-intl/blob/develop/docs/date-formatting/index.md
I found a bug in your last update in this package:
The bug causes the modal not to show up.
In this bug you need to allways start the HTML files with the tag <kendo-dialog> and end the files </kendo-dialog> to fix the problem, which did not happen in previous versions of the package.
This bug is an issue because not even your tutorials work because of this.
Will you fix this?
Best regards André Lourenço