Last Updated: 13 Aug 2021 22:02 by Eric
Created on: 10 Aug 2021 03:07
Type: Feature Request
HOSTS in fiddler shouldn't change SNI info when Decrypt HTTPS traffic is enabled

HOSTS in fiddler shouldn't change SNI info when Decrypt HTTPS traffic is enabled


When Decrypt HTTPS traffic is enabled and use HOSTS in fiddler, SNI should be keep the same as request, instead of use the one from HOSTS(removed when use IP, or rewrite when use another HOSTS) 

1 comment
Posted on: 13 Aug 2021 22:02
In a very quick look, I don't see a way to do this with Fiddler today. The Session's flag named "x-overrideHost" controls the target and it's used for both DNS resolution and for the hostname passed into the AuthenticateAsClient framework call (which presumably uses that host in the construction of the SNI).

We'd need to offer a "x-overrideSNI" flag or something to split these apart.