Last Updated: 09 Dec 2019 08:51 by ADMIN
Created on: 03 Dec 2019 09:12
Type: Feature Request
Add Show Only filter to QuickExec


I'm using the feature to right-click on requests and show or hide them heavily. It would be very nice to have this functionality from the QuickExec. Especially a ShowOnly by URL would be very nice. When using Fiddler for debugging the process ID may change frequently so that is not a good basis for filtering. On the other hand a modern development machine makes so many requests - if you have a few browser tabs open - that selecting hide for all is very inconvenient.

Posted on: 09 Dec 2019 08:51

Hi Morten,

I will decline the request as it could be achieved relatively easy with scripting, as Eric mentioned (Thanks, Eric!).

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Posted on: 04 Dec 2019 07:34
... and a whole new dimension opens to me! Thank you very much.
Posted on: 03 Dec 2019 18:48
You can trivially add new features like this yourself using the Scripting engine. Click Rules > Customize Rules and scroll down to the OnExecAction command. Look at e.g. the "bold" command for an example. Use e.g. oSession["ui-hide"] = "hidden by quickexec filter" ; to hide a Session that doesn't match your filter criteria.