Websocket monitoring is such a cool feature in fiddler. What i´m missing is the possibility to export all messages sent and received via the websocket.
In Wireshark i would associate that functionality with "Follow TCP stream".
The reason behind:
I want to search within the websocket communication for certain id´s patterns etc. This is currently not possible as every message is handled separately in fiddler.
What i would expect:
Beeing able to export selected or all messages in the WebSocket pane. (one could think of adding "received","sent" and a timestamp between the messages with a certain beginning to be able to filter those messages later.)
I would call the fact that:
- "Save" - "Selected Sessions" "as Text or ZIP" is only saving the websocket HTTP upgrade request together with the response but without the websockets payload
a bug.
Or i am missing something. Comments welcome...