Currently, this property is implemented only in DOCX and RTF exports.
This is happening because the cell with preferred width 100% takes all the available width and all other columns are rendered with no available width which causes the height of the table to grow big. WORKAROUND: Either clear the cell PreferredWidth property or set it to value which is smaller than 100%.
This field allows performing a mail merge operations with labels representing different source items on the same page.
In OOXML, table row can define table properties named 'table level property exception' using 'tblPrEx' element. These properties shall be respected by the row instead of the table properties defined on table level. Add similar property in the TableRow model and respect it in the corresponding exports.
Add Borders property for a Run element and in CharacterProperties. The same is implemented for Paragraph, but in OOXML it could be applied over a Run element as well.
Import styling properties from HTML for elements without DocumentElementProperties. For example, for ImageInline: the image has width and height and currently they could not be applied through CSS styling as the styling mechanism works only for document elements with DocumentElementPropertiesBase (RadFlowDocument, Section, Table, Paragraph, etc.)
Introduce an option to implement custom field in RadFlowDocument model (one which is not supported by the document model). In the current implementation the abstract Field class has internal abstract method which is responsible for the GetFieldResult() method and this leads to an issue when a customer wants to implement a field which we currently do not support (CustomCodeField which returns null as a result fragment).
Implement import and export of bookmarks to HTML format.
The <font> tag has a 'size' attribute that can be set to a number from 1 to 17. This is currently not supported and is just ignored.
Currently tabs are always exported to HTML using two -s. But tabs could have different length depending on Paragraph's tab stops and document's default tab stop width.
When document model contains styles with names containing characters which usage is not valid in CSS (e.g. '['), those characters must be escaped. Currently HTML documents containing invalid CSS are produced.
'thead' HTML element represents table row that should be repeated at the top of each page. MS Word maps this to TableRow with RepeatOnEveryPage set to true. This works for both export and import.
Hyperlinks should support this property in order to describe where they should be opened (in the same frame/tab or in a new one). It is described in the OOXML specification as tgtFrame (Hyperlink Target Frame). It will be useful for setting the target as _blank.
Make it possible to link files (read: excel table) into word documents, so the editing experience in e.g. word allows to navigate to the linked file. Ms Word and OOXML allow insertion of files in a docx document. This results in OLEOobject referring to the embedded file.
Implement API allowing to add watermarks without specifying its width and the height. The size could be automatically calculated using the text, its font size and font family.
CSS style property with a numeric value will not be imported from HTML when the unit type is not specified. Example: .td{padding-bottom: 200;} This is invalid according to the HTML spec (value is optional only after 0), though web browsers and MS Word open such HTML's correctly.
Importing a document containing a bookmark located in a structured document tag (sdt) will lead to ArgumentNullException.
At this point only styling through CSS is supported. The below code does not align the paragraph to the center string import = "<html><body><p align=\"center\">centered??</p></body></html>"; RadFlowDocument document = provider.Import(import);