Implement repeating header row for tables when exporting with PdfFormatProvider. A similar functionality can be achieved using the editing API of RadPdfProcessing. There is attached a project showing a sample implementation. More details are available in the forum post at
These file formats are very similar to DOCX, and can be easily imported with loss of some information (e.g. macros).
Implement import of PDF to RadFlowDocument, using PdfFormatProvider. This would require text recognition (including determining where paragraphs end as opposed to new line inserted because of the layout) and table recognition. This will allow conversion of PDF documents to docx, RTF and HTML.
Introduce new section properties which are responsible for defining columns in the section.
Both properties table cell padding and table cell spacing are not exported to PDF format.
Form fields are the legacy way to insert an editable controls in a document (text boxes, checkboxes, dropdowns) by using the FORMTEXT, FORMCHECKBOX and FORMDROPDOWN fields. Do not confuse with content controls (structured document tags) (see ) and with ActiveX controls.
Take into account the table row's CanSplit property when exporting to PDF from RadFlowDocument model. Is set to false, the table row should not be split between two pages, if possible. This property could be set to false, for example, when importing MS Word documents with "Allow row to break across pages" unchecked for some table rows.
The custom document properties enable the users to define their own properties to the document or use one of the predefined. In most of the cases, the document variables can be used instead. More information about them you can find at
Support for table styles with different properties for first/last row and column, row bandings.
<w:pict w14:anchorId="324D5836">
<v:rect id="_x0000_i1025" style="width:0;height:1.5pt" o:hralign="center" o:hrstd="t" o:hr="t" fillcolor="#a0a0a0" stroked="f"/>
Add support for import and export of floating tables.
There should be an option allowing users to embed fonts in their documents. Seems to be applicable for DOCX and RTF, MS Word has such option in File -> Options -> Save.
Add support for INCLUDEPICTURE fields. Such fields should work with nested MERGEFIELD, as this is common scenario. Workaround: Manually insert images over specific placeholderRadFlowDocument document =
RadFlowDocumentEditor editor =
(var run
(run.Text ==
Paragraph paragraph = run.Paragraph;
indexOfCurrentRun = paragraph.Inlines.IndexOf(run);
ImageInline imageInline =
imageInline.Image.ImageSource = newTelerik.Windows.Documents.Media.ImageSource(imageData,
paragraph.Inlines.Insert(indexOfCurrentRun, imageInline);
The Indent property of Table is not respected by PdfFormatProvider.
Add support for the All Caps and Small Caps properties of the runs. These properties are currently ommitted on import.
The property controls whether a paragraph should be rendered at least partially on the same page with the following paragraph when the document is shown in page view mode.
Text frames are paragraphs of text in a document which are positioned in a separate region or frame in the document and can be positioned with a specific size and position relative to non-frame paragraphs in the current document. More information about it is available in section ST_XAlign (Horizontal Alignment Location) of Open Office XML.