Exception when converting table with empty runs in the cells.
The hanging indent of the paragraph affects the rendering of content with tabs. However, the indent is not respected while generating the PDF, leading to disordered content.
Workaround: Insert a tab stop with the position set to the value for hanging indent:
foreach (var paragraph in this.flowDocument.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Paragraph>())
if (paragraph.Properties.HangingIndent.HasLocalValue)
Run run = paragraph.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Run>().Where(r => r.Text == "\t").FirstOrDefault();
if (run != null)
paragraph.TabStops = paragraph.TabStops.Insert(new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.Styles.TabStop(paragraph.Properties.HangingIndent.LocalValue.Value));
If a document has runs with font size larger than the one set in the style of the paragraphs and this document is exported to HTML, the resulting paragraphs overlap.