This field allows performing a mail merge operations with labels representing different source items on the same page.
This property will control whether a table row may start on one page and end on the next page. Declined: Duplicate with
This element specifies the settings for the document grid, which enables precise layout of full-width East Asian language characters within a document by specifying the desired number of characters per line and lines per page for all East Asian text content in this section.
If Latin text is interspersed on this line, then it is placed across the number of grid units needed to fit the
content, but all other grid positions are unaffected.
The mail merge should support conditional fields. Here is an example:
{ IF [Condition] [Display Result 1] [Display Result 2] }
List indent is not correct when exported to PDF. All indents start from the same position.
Exception when there are merge fields in the header/footer and one performs mail merge:
Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.Header' to type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.BlockBase
Make it possible to link files (read: excel table) into word documents, so the editing experience in e.g. word allows to navigate to the linked file. Ms Word and OOXML allow insertion of files in a docx document. This results in OLEOobject referring to the embedded file.
Now headings are imported with default heading styles. Introduce an option for Heading styles to be exported as <h1> - <h6> tags. Consider whether this should be the default behavior, because MS Word exports Headings with H tag and additionally adds styling so the resulting HTML will visually look the way it does in MS Word.
Add support for smart tags (described in the OOXML using the smartTag element). As currently smart tags are not supported, the content inside them is not imported from docx.
This is only reproducible when the Run contains an empty string. If the paragraph is empty or the Run contains a space, everything is working correctly. Workaround: Remove all empty runs from the document.
At this point only styling through CSS is supported. The below code does not align the paragraph to the center string import = "<html><body><p align=\"center\">centered??</p></body></html>"; RadFlowDocument document = provider.Import(import);
Workaround: private static void WorkaroundFieldsIssue(RadFlowDocument flowdocument) { foreach (FieldCharacter fieldCharacter in flowdocument.EnumerateChildrenOfType<FieldCharacter>().ToList()) { // only for start if (fieldCharacter.FieldCharacterType == FieldCharacterType.Start) { if (fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator != null && fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator.Parent == null) { Paragraph parent = fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End.Paragraph; int index = parent.Inlines.IndexOf(fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End); fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End.Paragraph.Inlines.Insert(index, fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator); } } } }
Implement evaluation of = (Formula) fields ( ). This will allow export to PDF and HTML.
Style properties defined in an element style selector are evaluated with higher priority over properties in a CSS class when importing from HTML. For example if we have the following CSS style: .sectionheading { border: 10px solid red; } td { border: 10px solid black; } and the class (.sectionheading) is applied on a table cell: <td class="sectionheading">...</td> The result in WordsProcessing after import of such HTML will be that the table cell has 10px black border. In MS Word and in the browsers (Chrome, Firefox...) the result will be that the cell has 10px red border.
If the Table's TableCellSpacing property is not divided by 2 when the document is exported to Docx or Rtf, this leads to incorrect rendering after the exported document is opened with another editor (RadRichTextBox, MS Word). Workaround: Divide by two the Table's table cell spacing property value before export to Docx, RTF formats: foreach (Table table in document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Table>()) { table.TableCellSpacing /= 2; }