Last Updated: 11 Sep 2024 08:08 by Gowrisankar
Created by: Gowrisankar
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Introduce thread-safe processing.
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2024 08:33 by Waldemar
Last Updated: 19 Aug 2024 12:36 by Waldemar
Add API for obtaining a collection of values from CellSelection.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2024 08:47 by Shailaja

Add support for "Invert if negative" property of chart data series fill.

Last Updated: 05 Aug 2024 08:26 by McDavid

In Excel this can be achieved by right click on the axis, then from the context menu select "Format Axis".  Go to the "Text Options" tab and "Text Box" group and then in the "Custom angle" field insert the desired value.

Last Updated: 29 Jul 2024 10:58 by Divya
XlsFormatProvider: Handle import of documents with null format strings.
Last Updated: 23 Jul 2024 08:28 by Valery

Optimize font fallback mechanism.

Currently, in NET Standard, if no fonts are provided on PDF export, while resolving the fonts the application falls back to different fonts multiple times for each cell which causes a decrease in performance.

Last Updated: 17 Jul 2024 13:13 by Matthias
When the Normal style is modified (e.g. the IsWrapped property is set to true and now all cells have default text wrap set) and some individual cells have local values set that are the default ones (e.g. some cells are now set to NOT be wrapped), when the file is imported and then exported, the local values will be lost.
Last Updated: 25 Jun 2024 07:47 by Rob Vest
Created by: Rob Vest
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for Radar charts.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2024 05:34 by Development
Created by: Development
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Support for importing and exporting WEBP images should be implemented.
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2024 12:52 by Development

Currently, these are the supported image formats:

If we try to import an Excel document containing an image with another format, the following error occurs:

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.'

Last Updated: 06 Jun 2024 09:30 by Sailaja
Created by: Sailaja
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for custom document properties (CustomDocumentProperties).
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2024 13:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 2
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request

Add support for images embedded in cells.

Similar to clicking "Place in Cell' in MS Excel which embeds the floating image into the cell:


Alternative: Floating Images

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2024 12:37 by Jean-Pierre
PdfFormatProvider: NetStandard: Converting multiple XLSX copies to PDF with separate SpreadFixedTextMeasurers generates a different first document. 
Last Updated: 24 Apr 2024 08:05 by Sudhakar

Incorrectly resolved fill between local formatting and cell style.

A fill (fillId) of a cell style (cellStyleXfs) is respected instead of the fill (fillId) of the local formatting (cellXfs).

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2024 08:44 by Noe
Created by: Noe
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for R1C1 formula style.
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 10:24 by Joshua
Created by: Joshua
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Make the CsvParser public.
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 10:22 by Steve
Created by: Steve
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for image cropping (a:srcRect). 
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2024 10:36 by Vandana
Created by: Vandana
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Provide support for content controls
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2024 12:49 by Göran

Use the below code snippet to generate XLSX document and export it. You will notice that the export operation is extremely slow:

Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
IWorkbookFormatProvider formatProvider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxFormatProvider();
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
Worksheet worksheet2 = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
worksheet2.Name ="Days";
List<string> weekdays = new List<string>() { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    worksheet2.Cells[0, i].SetValue(weekdays[i]);

for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)

        CellIndex cellIndex = new CellIndex(i, j);
        CellSelection selection = worksheet.Cells[cellIndex];

        var context = new ListDataValidationRuleContext(worksheet, cellIndex)
            InputMessageTitle = "InputMessageTitle",
            InputMessageContent = "InputMessageTitle"

        context.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyle.Stop;
        context.ErrorAlertTitle = "ErrorAlertTitle";
        context.ErrorAlertContent = "ErrorAlertContent";
        context.InCellDropdown = true;
        context.Argument1 = "=Days!A0:A6"; //"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday";
        ListDataValidationRule rule = new(context);

string outputFile = @"..\..\..\output.xlsx";

using (Stream output = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create))

    formatProvider.Export(workbook, output);
Debug.WriteLine("Export " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

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