i am came into scenario, where user wants multiple "colored" bubbles, the only option in current version is:
- use multiple bubble layers
But only ONE of the layer(the last one?) is firing the OnShapeClick event.
Clicking on any "bubble"/shape should always fire the event OnShapeClick()
Is there any workaround, or idea how to force event to fire?
Dynamic loading of multiple colored layers/bubbles, but same problem is when you "statically" put 2 or more layers on map:
<TelerikMap Center="@Center"
MinZoom="3" Height="80vh"
Zoomable="true" Pannable="true"
OnMarkerClick="@( (args) => OZRowCmd((CrmMapOrgModel)args.DataItem,15))"
OnShapeClick="@( (args) => OZRowCmd((CrmMapOrgModel)args.DataItem,15))"
<MapLayer Type="@MapLayersType.Tile"
@if (MarkerList != null) foreach (var it in MarkerList)
@if (it.MarkerType == (int)MapLayersType.Marker)
<MapLayer Type="@MapLayersType.Marker"
@if (it.MarkerType == (int)MapLayersType.Bubble && MarkerData1.Any(x => x.MarkerType == it.MarkerType & x.StavTr == it.StavTr))
<MapLayer Type="@MapLayersType.Bubble"
Data="@MarkerData1.Where(x=>x.MarkerType==it.MarkerType & x.StavTr==it.StavTr)"
ValueField="@nameof(CrmMapOrgModel.MarkerValue)" MinSize=@it.MinMarkerValue MaxSize=@it.MaxMarkerValue
<MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyle >
<MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleFill Color="@it.MarkerColor"></MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleFill>
<MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleStroke Color="@it.MarkerStrokeColor"></MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleStroke>
The bug report applies to both Bubble layer and Shape layer.
I want to catch the user click on a shape and have the ability to change the color of that shape to show that it is selected. Currently, the OnShapeClick event does not expose such an option.
Please allow changing the shape color in the OnShapeClick event.
I need to allow users to position a map marker on the map. As such, I need them to be able to drag the marker and/or map but I don't see any drag events documented.
How do I support user marker positioning with interactions like a drag, drop, click, etc.?
Here is our scenario. The use case is for servicing automobile breakdowns. We use the browser to guess the user's location but it may not be correct, either by a little or a lot:
We expect users to be on small format devices for this, and precise location data is critical (e.g. on the freeway or a road going under the freeway).