Last Updated: 09 Nov 2022 12:10 by ADMIN
Created by: James
Comments: 2
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
Is it possible to use custom icons for the map marker?
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2023 08:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 1
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
A common way to visualize the layer on the map is by being able to specify a unique color for a specific value or range of values, and for that layer to be able have multiple ranges defined.    For example, let's say you were displaying the likelihood of forest fires in different states in the United States.  You may have a 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-80, and 81+ as the five ranges.   The map would need to be able to render each feature (polygon or line or point) based upon a value in the incoming dataset (in geojson, it could be a attribute field with the value, or it could be a property within an enumerated list).    Another case would be an electoral results map, showing who one each county.   One color would symbolize Republican, another Democrat, and a final "Other" (which doesn't seem to occur).   Being able to do this is a basic map visualization, and to also be able to display these ranges/values in the legend would be helpful.
Last Updated: 30 Aug 2024 11:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Phil
Comments: 3
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request


Is it possible to get the map to support Geolocation? Something like whats on the openstreetmap website map where you can click the location button and the map then moves to where your location is. Maybe some event that we can listen on to get the Latitude and Longitude of the users location which we can then use to manipulate the map?
