Need More Info
Last Updated: 18 Sep 2024 19:31 by Douglas
Created by: Jerdobi
Comments: 3
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

I want to be able to create custom views for the Gantt Timeline, for example - minutes view.




The post is marked with "Need more info" label, so we can gather feedback from the community on how this feature is expected to be exposed for configuration and what the desired behavior is. An important point to consider regarding this enhancement is that, depending on its implementation, it might override the built-in Gantt Timeline functionalities, so it will be up to the application logic to handle the tasks features (for example editing, dependencies etc). Please share your comments and ideas.

Last Updated: 06 Jun 2022 06:16 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 5
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

By default, all nested tasks are displayed expanded.
The state of the root task is always the most important, so it makes more sense to display tasks minimized by default.
The user can always expand the required task for details.
The solution is to support the "IsExpanded" property for the task model.
When a property changes, the task changes its state.
For the component, also add the "ExpandAll" and "CollapseAll" methods that affect all tasks in the list.

Last Updated: 22 Aug 2023 14:49 by ADMIN
Release 4.5.0 (08/30/2023) (R3 PI2)
Set the Display scale to 150%, for example, the dependencies are rendered incorrectly. 
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2022 13:42 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

How to get only the year and date in the Gantt Chart Tooltip template? The DataAttribute is not a valid date string.

     <h5>Start: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["start"])</h5>
     <h5>End: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["end"])</h5>


Last Updated: 21 Jul 2022 11:18 by Lennert
I want to customize the content of the Tooltip visible while dragging and resizing tasks in the Timeline. For example, display only start and end dates and not hours/minutes.
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 07:13 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)

The Tooltip Template of the Gantt behaves strangely in a WASM application. It flickers and does not display any information. Reproduction in REPL which is essentially a WASM app:

The issue is not reproducible in a server-side application using the same code.

Last Updated: 27 Jun 2022 09:00 by ADMIN
Created by: René
Comments: 2
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
There should be a way to programatically set minDate + MaxDate and the Timeline should automatically zoom to display everything between those Dates.
Last Updated: 02 Jun 2022 13:50 by ADMIN
Created by: René
Comments: 1
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

Please add Parameters "TreeListSelectionMode" and "TreeListSelectedItems".

UseCase1:  Group Selected Items (create new Element as Parent of all selected Elements)

UseCase2: Postpone Selected Items by x days

Last Updated: 06 Jun 2022 11:04 by ADMIN
Created by: René
Comments: 1
Category: Gantt
Type: Bug Report
The FilterMenuType Parameter is available for GanttColumns but is is ignored.  The FilterMenuType of TelerikGantt is always used.
Last Updated: 05 May 2022 19:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Philip
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request


Could we add a "decade" view for the Gantt chart? (currently goes until Year)


If the Blazor Gantt chart schedule items span over many years/decades, the Gantt is unusable and crashes.

Our clients' use case is the management of multiple long-term leases; spanning up to 15-30 years.


See the attached image as an example in PowerBI where they have a "decade" view.




Last Updated: 28 Jul 2022 13:36 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Created by: Svetoslav
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
I would like to use a persist state feature for the Gantt Chart. 
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2022 09:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

It is very strange that while the Gantt component is similar to the gorgeous Grid component, support for row and header templates has not been released.
We await implementation

  <HeaderTemplate Context = @ myContext>


  <Template Context = @ myContext>




**Admin Edit**

Will be released in 3.1.0.

**Admin Edit**


Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021 13:53 by Benjamin
Release 2.29.0
Gantt dependencies do not render correctly under German (Deutschland) culture
Last Updated: 03 Feb 2022 07:06 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Benjamin
Comments: 3
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

When I describe a EditorTemplate on a GanttColumn, I expect it to be shown on entering the edit-mode:

<GanttColumn Field="@nameof(ActivityContainer.TaskName)" Title="@_["_name"]" Expandable="true" Resizable="true" >
<strong>I expect this to see</strong>

Expected: Just the string "I expect this to see"

What I actually get:

The default edit box (feels like the EditorTemplate doesn't apply at all?)

Docs ( say, that the GanttColumn has a EditorTempalte.


Side effect:

<GanttColumn Field="@nameof(ActivityContainer.TaskName)" Title="@_["_name"]" Expandable="true" Resizable="true" >
<strong>@((context as ActivityContainer)?.TaskName)I expect this to see</strong>

error CS0103: The name 'context' does not exist in the current context


Context should be there.

Last Updated: 07 Feb 2022 15:53 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
I would like to cancel the edit of certain tasks based on a condition. 
Last Updated: 17 Nov 2021 08:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 1
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request

The current implementation of the double-click task edit feature is not an intuitive user interface action.
Also, there is absolutely no need to automatically edit the properties of the task model when you click on GanttColumns.
Give the developer independent control over the behavior of the edit event.
Necessary solutions:
1. Implement support for the "IsEnabled" task model property that disables editing the property for the GanttColumn and double-clicking on the Timeline panel
2. Implement support for the "Edit" command for the GanttCommandButton

Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 10:08 by ADMIN
Release 2.28.0
Created by: Uresys
Comments: 0
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to have access to the GanttTaskCommandEventArgs, so can easily handle custom command actions.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2021 14:09 by ADMIN

in the demo, the percentage display can be over 100%.
As soon as it is over 100% there, the following error is displayed:

(this also happens because it is always incremented by 1, which then always corresponds to an additional 100%.)






In the meantime, a possible workaround could be to use the built-in validation and set values 0 to 1 for the Range attribute of the Percent Complete field. The attached example demonstrates how to achieve that.


Last Updated: 09 Sep 2021 08:30 by ADMIN
Release 2.27.0
The Timeline is not rendered correctly. I have to click anywhere in the Tree to render the Timeline.
Last Updated: 07 Mar 2024 08:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Paweł
Comments: 1
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
Add the option of displaying multiple related tasks on one row in the Gantt chart.