Last Updated: 08 Nov 2021 20:41 by ADMIN

When using my own buttons in the header template, and I have Reorderable=true, the tile layout consumes mouse events and clicks on my buttons don't always work. I would like to have the tile layout provide command buttons that can work in this scenario that let me handle their clicks reliably.

The functionality I am after is closing an minimizing tiles, so built-in actions for that like with the window would be nice. Perhaps tile items could get a Visible parameter like the grid columns and that could also go in their state.

Last Updated: 14 Feb 2022 12:41 by Paul Bursch
Created by: Paul Bursch
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

I am using a couple buttons in the HeaderTemplate of the tiles. It looks like their click events are sometimes not honored due to a mix up with the draggable event of the tiles when they are reorderable. Please prevent the component from stopping the click event in the tile header.




As a workaround for the time being, you can stop the propagation of the container wrapping the clickable elements:


<!-- suppress-error allows the script tag to be in a Razor file -->
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
  window.stopPropagation = (e) => {

<TelerikTileLayout Columns="3"
            foreach (var tile in Tiles)
                <TileLayoutItem @key="@tile">
                        <div class="d-flex flex-col w-100 justify-content-between">
                            <div class="d-flex flex-row w-75">
                                <div class="p-2"><strong>@tile.Title</strong></div>
                            <div onpointerdown="stopPropagation(event)"
                                 class="d-flex flex-row w-25 justify-content-end">
                                <TelerikButton Icon="edit" Title="Edit Tile" Class="k-flat"
                                <TelerikButton Icon="close" Title="Delete Tile" Class="k-flat"

Event log: <TelerikButton Icon="clear" OnClick="@ClearLog">Clear Log</TelerikButton>

@if (EventLog != null)
        @foreach (string log in EventLog)

@code {
    private List<TileData> Tiles { get; set; }

    List<string> EventLog { get; set; } = new List<string>();

    async void EditTile(TileData tile)
        EventLog.Add("Edit fired for " + tile.Title);        

    async void DeleteTile(TileData tile)
        EventLog.Add("Delete fired for " + tile.Title);

    void ClearLog()
        EventLog = new List<string>();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        Tiles = new List<TileData>()
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 1", Content = "1 - Lorem Ipsum" },
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 2", Content = "2 - Lorem Ipsum" },
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 3", Content = "3 - Lorem Ipsum" },
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 4", Content = "4 - Lorem Ipsum" },
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 5", Content = "5 - Lorem Ipsum" },
            new TileData { Title = "Tile 6", Content = "6 - Lorem Ipsum" },


    public partial class TileData
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }



Last Updated: 30 Jun 2023 08:44 by Matias
Created by: Steven
Comments: 1
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

I want to prevent an individual TileLayoutItem from being resized or reordered when Reorderable and Resizable are enabled on component level.



Here is a possible workaround - prevent pointer events for the tile that should not be resized and reordered. Note that users may still be able to push the "disabled" tile to a new place by reordering the other tiles.

<TelerikTileLayout Columns="3"
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Tile 1">
            <Content>Regular-sized first tile.</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Tile 2">
            <Content>You can put components in the tiles too.</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Tile 3" RowSpan="3" Class="disabled-tile">
            <Content>No resizing and no reordering</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Tile 4" RowSpan="2" ColSpan="2">
            <Content>This tile is two rows tall and two columns wide</Content>

    .disabled-tile {
        pointer-events: none;

Last Updated: 05 Mar 2021 11:37 by ADMIN

When in a div with display:flex, I cannot resize the tiles to the right as I expect to - they stop resizing before I reach the end of the tile layout.



Here is a sample you can use to observe the issue - try resizing the tiles and change the size of the layout offset. For cleanest results do this in a blank app that has absolutely no other styles (so no other layout is in play).

A short gif is attached at the end of this post that shows the problem.

<TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@width" Step="20" Min="0" Max="800"></TelerikNumericTextBox>
    int width { get; set; } = 200;
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row;">
    <div style="width: @(width)px; background: yellow;">
        some content on the left. When this is here, resizing tiles cannot use the full width of the tile layout
        - it stops short with the offset by this element due to the flex layout.
        Change the width of this element to see the effect - as you increase you will stop being
        able to resize 1column tiles at all. If you decrease, eventually you will be.
    <div style="position: relative; display: block;"> @* THE WORKAROUND - REMOVE TO SEE THE PROBLEM *@
        <TelerikTileLayout ColumnWidth="200px"
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 1">
                    <Content>Regular sized first panel.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 2">
                    <Content>You can put components in the tiles too.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 3" RowSpan="3">
                    <Content>This tile is three rows tall.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 4" RowSpan="2" ColSpan="2">
                    <Content>This tile is two rows tall and two columns wide</Content>


Last Updated: 11 Nov 2022 12:38 by Louis
Created by: Louis
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

### Description

Add the option to constrain the RowSpan and ColSpan of individual tiles in the TileLayout.

### Specification (if feature)

Add options to the tiles such as MinColSpan, MaxColSpan, MinRowSpan, and MaxRowSpan.

Last Updated: 03 Apr 2023 14:06 by Víctor
I want to be able to set the initial position of the TileLayoutItem element. Similar to the Row and Col parameters in Kendo UI for Angular.
Last Updated: 21 Apr 2023 11:40 by Víctor
Created by: Víctor
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to drag a tile from one TileLayout and drop it in another. 
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2022 09:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Matt
Comments: 1
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

I am trying to resize a TextBox inside of a TileLayoutItem on resize of the tile. I have the resize handler implemented, and is accurately firing. However, I am not seeing the ColSpan actually change on the item, which would give me a point of reference to resize the textbox.

void OnResizeHandler(TileLayoutResizeEventArgs args)
        if (args.Id == "commentTile")
            if (CommentLI.ColSpan==1)
                CommentWidth = "270px";
                CommentWidth = (270 + (300 * (CommentLI.ColSpan - 1))).ToString() + "px";

Last Updated: 27 Mar 2022 10:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrea
Comments: 1
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

In TelerikTileLayout the TileLayoutItem have the possibility to have have a HeaderText or even a HeaderTemplate, and behave as a TelerikCard, only without a footer.

Having the possibility to have a FooterTemplate would grant a better managment of the layout.

Last Updated: 21 Apr 2023 11:40 by Víctor
Created by: Víctor
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
In Kendo React there is an autoFlow parameter that controls how the auto-placement algorithm works, specifying exactly how auto-placed items get flowed.
Last Updated: 10 May 2024 10:53 by Zachary
Created by: Zachary
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Bug Report
I would like the tile layout to stay 4 rows in height, however, when a user reorders one of the tiles in a certain way, it extends it down to a 5th row and displaces one of the tiles in an unpleasing way, which I've shown in the attached image.