At the moment, the insertHTML command is a block command - meaning, it will wrap your content in a <p> tag if it is an inline tag (such as an anchor).
I would like to be able to insert inline content as well without it getting wrapped in a block parent.
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For example, like the AJAX editor where the field appears only when simple text is selected, but when complex content is selected (e.g., other html tags like <strong>, <p>, <img>) the field is not available.
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Try running an editor with content like this:
<p>Para 1</p><p><br></p><p>Para 2</p><p><br></p><p>Para 3</p>
Now, open the ViewHtml button from the full toolset and Update the content without modifying anything.
The result is that there are more <br> tags in the the empty paragraphs than what we started with, and they are added every time you repeat this process.
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At the moment, commands are available both for color and background color, you can find them in the built-in tools list article - see the Back Color and Fore Color tools: You can use them as custom tools right now: - basic examples are also available in the demo:
I would like to have them as built-in tools with predefined color pickers.
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Like other editors from Telerik (say, Kendo, WebForms).
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An event that we can hook into so that we can take the (presumably) base64 encoded image (link), upload it somewhere, and then replace it with an image element set to the uploaded imaged file. Ideally, that would work for other content too.
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It would be great in a future release if we could paste in images from the clipboard.
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Clicking the image, and selecting the image button brings up a popup. The "Update" button is not appearing properly (does not occur on other editor popups):
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When selecting an image, I expect drag handles to show me that an image selection has occurred and that let me resize the image.
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