Hi the lack of Timeline view is preventing me using Telerik Scheduler and urgghhhh feel like I need to shower after mentioning this: am having to use the sh*tty buggy cr*p in the Syncfusion suite at the moment. I would love a timeline view where we can create lanes for resources an also be able to custom style the event with background css (a template)
see attached screen shot
I want to change what is shown in the scheduler headers, depending on my current culture, and on the view (different things for a week view and for a day view, for example).
I would like to alter some special slots in the scheduler like in WPF. Sample images is attached.
The slot should be customizable to define custom size and template.
*** Thread created by admin on customer behalf ***
I would like to be able to change the appointment model in the OnEdit handler for the user, something like:
void EditAppointment(SchedulerEditEventArgs args)
var appt = (Appointment)args.Item;
appt.Title = FixMyTitle(appt.Title);
string FixMyTitle(string title) { return "something changed"; }
<TelerikScheduler AllowCreate="@Editing" AllowDelete="@Editing" AllowUpdate="@Editing" OnDelete="@AppointmentDelete" OnEdit="@AppointmentEdit" OnUpdate="AppointmentUpdate" Data=…
The above line breaks only with AllowUpdate.
I default Editing false, then toggle it true in the hosting component and do a InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged).
The result is I can create and delete, but while the appointment hover cursor changes to the hand or arrows and I can see the handlebars to resize the appointment, I'm not able to update the appointment until I switch the SchedulerView. After switching SchedulerView updating works as expected.
Is it possible to do group scheduling similar to what is done https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/scheduler/resources-grouping-horizontal.
If not how do i include kendo in a serverside blazor application?
I would like to be able to customize the way appointments appear in the calendar. For instance, to have aircraft identifier, arrival and departure airport codes and depart times.
As an example they could work like: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/templates.
There doesn't appear to be any examples of this. Is the feature not implemented and if not when is it going to be
At the moment start and end times effectively "round" to the nearest half an hour. This can give the impression of events overlapping when they do not
Admin edit: This feature would be similar to the Exact Time Rendering in our WebForms suite: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/exacttimerendering/defaultcs.aspx
I don't want this feature and I would like to hide this button.
At the moment, CSS like this can do the job, but this should be a parameter on the component or the particular view.
.no-businesshours .k-scheduler-footer {
<div class="no-businesshours">
<TelerikScheduler Data="@Appointments" @bind-Date="@StartDate" @bind-View="@CurrView" Height="600px" Width="800px">
<SchedulerDayView StartTime="@DayStart" />
<SchedulerWeekView StartTime="@DayStart" />
<SchedulerMultiDayView StartTime="@DayStart" NumberOfDays="10" />
I want to hide the 'All Day slot' - I don't want to offer this functionality.
At the moment, you could try CSS like this, but ideally this would be a parameter (maybe on the view):
.no-allday .k-scheduler-head .k-scheduler-group:last-child{
<div class="no-allday">
<TelerikScheduler Data="@Appointments" @bind-Date="@StartDate" @bind-View="@CurrView" Height="600px" Width="800px">
<SchedulerDayView StartTime="@DayStart" />
<SchedulerWeekView StartTime="@DayStart" />
<SchedulerMultiDayView StartTime="@DayStart" NumberOfDays="10" />
is there a way to use the scheduler to display a month ?
Something similar to this https://docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/how_to_start.html
Hi fellows,
I just wanted to know, if it's possible to use the timeline view in blazor as well (compared to asp.net core?).
And if so, how can I do it?
If not: are there any plans in the pipe for activating this feature?
Best regards