Once a user has clicked an appointment to select it, I'd like the ability to clear this selection. For example, if you show one set of appointments, then click a radio button on the page to switch to a different set of appointments, I'd like to clear the selection so that no appointment is selected. The way it works now, the component appears to store the index of the selected appointment and then re-apply that when it's rendered with new appointments.
More context here: https://www.telerik.com/forums/how-to-clear-the-selected-slot-in-the-scheduler
In the scheduler for Asp.net Ajax, the month view would put a k-other-month class on the cells from other months outside of the current one and those cells would have a different style (grayed day numbers or background, etc.). In the Blazor scheduler component it doesn't look like that class is being put on those cells anymore. The Telerik SCSS themes still allow for that class, so is there a way to add them or is there a workaround so that those cells can be re-styled similar to the way the Ajax Scheduler functions?
When double-clicking a cell in the All Day Row of the scheduler, one would expect that the IsAllDay field would be set to true in the SchedulerEditEventArgs similar to the way the start and end dates represent the date and time of the cell that was double-clicked. Unfortunately, the IsAllDay field is always false.
The following Repl taken from the demo reflects this: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mzYQvZvC394NLH0H06
Is there a way to determine if the double-clicked cell is in the All Day Row?
When SchedulerGroupOrientation is set to vertical, increasing the height of the `SchedulerResourceGroupHeader` breaks the rendering of the Scheduler cells, which causes misalignment of the appointments. In my scenario, I want to have a Button and an Icon in the group header cell.
Reproduction example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wJElGYvF02XSsN6j42
Bug reproduced systematically on web browser Edge ( & Firefox (134.0).
Beware: culture is fr-FR
Scheduler component sometimes put appointments at wrong coordinates (hour if ok but the day is wrong).
The screenshot "ExampleWrongCoordinates.png" set an example of an item wrongfully located. In this picture, console log shows details of the razor element who's supposed to be located on Tuesday 14th of January 2025 .. but which is rendered on Monday instead!
Appointments model defines "default (expected) property names Start & End":
private DateTime _start;
public DateTime Start
get { return _start; }
set { _start = value; }
private DateTime _end;
public DateTime End
get { return _end; }
set { _end = value; }
View is MultiDay but the glitch is the same on Week view.
Now if we switch on day view and navigate to Tuesday 14, scheduler shows the appointment on hours column! If we click it, a JS error is raised (Cf screenshot "ClickAppointmentWrongCoordinates.png").
When I try to move by drag and drop an event between resources the resource on the event is not updated.
I used this
<TelerikScheduler Data="@_trips" Height="500px"The appointment drag and drop functionality of the Scheduler does not work on mobile devices. When you try to drag an item, the item does not move.
You can test it by running the Scheduler overview demo by using Chrome's mobile device emulator and trying to drag and drop an appointment.
The "Edit Recurring Appointment" modal is only partially visible on mobile which prevents the user from proper editing.
I'd like to have a data virtualization feature (similar to the OnRead event), so I can load only small chunks of data (appointments) specifically for the current page/view.
Currently, you can achieve similar functionality by handling the DateChanged and ViewChanged events of the Scheduler to load only the relevant appointments for the selected period.
You can find an example here: Load Scheduler Appointments on Demand.
The Timeline view currently does not provide the "Show business hours" option as in the other views.
Please add that for the Timeline view similar to the jQuery version of the component.
For the time being, you can achieve this functionality with a custom approach by programmatically setting the StartTime and EndTime of the view to equal the WorkDayStart and WorkDayEnd.
Here is a basic example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QyEhvjbO07j1ZvID42.
I'm building a Grid which contains a nested Grid in it's `<DetailTemplate/>`.
When I'm opening the details, the grid events fire, the data gets loaded correctly but the data doesn't show up in the UI. Using .NET 8 Blazor with Telerik UI for Blazor Version 6.0.2.
This is the grid containing the Grid (data here gets loaded correctly):
<TelerikGrid @ref="@_grid" TItem="ChecklistDetailModel" Pageable Page="@_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="@_settings.Limit" OnRead="@OnPageReadAsync" Width="100%" Height="100%">
<LawAreaSelect SelectedLawAreaId="_settings.SelectedLawAreaId" SelectedCountryId="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnLawAreaSelected="OnLawAreaSelected" Width="250px" />
<CountriesSelect Value="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnChangeCallback="OnCountrySelected" Width="250px" />
<TelerikButton Icon="FontIcon.FileAdd" OnClick="OnCreateChecklistButtonClick" Title="@Localizer["ChecklistOverview.Create"]" />
<GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.LawArea"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Country"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Checklist.Revision"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
@if (model.RevisionName != null)
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.ChecklistRevisionDate"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
@if (model.LastUpdated.HasValue)
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditChecklistButtonClick" />
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnAssignChecklistButtonClick" />
<DetailTemplate Context="checklist">
<CustomerChecklistGrid ChecklistId="checklist.Id" OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick" OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick" />
This is the `CustomerChecklistGrid` code inserted into the DetailTemplate of the Grid above:
<TelerikGrid @ref="_grid" TItem="CustomerChecklistModel" Pageable Page="_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="_settings.Limit" OnRead="OnPageReadAsync">
<CustomerSelect OnCustomerSelected="OnCustomerSelected" SelectedCustomerId="_settings.SelectedCustomerId" Width="250px" />
<GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Customer"]">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["ChecklistsOverview.CompletedOn"]">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
@if (model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
<GridCommandColumn Context="customerChecklist">
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (!model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />
This is the backing C# code for the grid:
public partial class CustomerChecklistGrid
[Parameter] public int ChecklistId { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
[Inject] public ICustomerChecklistService CustomerChecklistService { get; set; }
[Inject] public IStringLocalizer<SharedResources> Localizer { get; set; }
[CascadingParameter] public Routes App { get; set; }
private CustomerChecklistSettings _settings = new();
private PageResult<CustomerChecklistModel> _data = new();
private TelerikGrid<CustomerChecklistModel> _grid;
private async void OnPageReadAsync(GridReadEventArgs args)
var newOffset = args.Request.PageSize * (args.Request.Page - 1);
_settings.Offset = newOffset;
_settings.CurrentPageNumber = args.Request.Page;
var request = new CustomerChecklistRequestModel
Offset = _settings.Offset,
Limit = _settings.Limit,
ChecklistId = ChecklistId,
OrderBy = _settings.OrderBy,
IsCompleted = _settings.IsCompleted,
CustomerId = _settings.SelectedCustomerId
_data = await CustomerChecklistService.GetPageAsync(request);
args.Data = _data.Items;
args.Total = _data.Total;
private void OnCustomerSelected(int customerId)
_settings.SelectedCustomerId = customerId;
_settings.CurrentPageNumber = 1;
private async Task OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
await OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);
private async Task OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
await OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);
private sealed class CustomerChecklistSettings
public int Offset { get; set; }
public int Limit { get; set; } = 25;
public int CurrentPageNumber { get; set; } = 1;
public int? SelectedCustomerId { get; set; }
public bool? IsCompleted { get; set; }
public string OrderBy { get; set; } = "customer";
This is a screenshot of the UI I'm seeing. I'm expecting data to show up in the inner grid, data gets loaded correctly (when debugging I see data is available), however no records are shown.
I use the scheduler component with grouping ressources on a timeline view.
When there is only one ressource for the second group, there is no text showing on the view.
It works with 2 ressources.
I try over your demo and i have the same result.
When I use 2 ressources it works.
Thank you