Last Updated: 07 Jun 2024 18:57 by Jonathan
Created by: Alexander
Comments: 6
Category: ComboBox
Type: Bug Report

When the option "AllowCustom" is enabled for a TelerikComboBox and the user types something above a certain speed, typed characters are lost. Here is a GIF showing the problem on the page https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/combobox/custom-values – I typed "123456", but end up with "1246" instead. In between the input field is showing some weird glitching.

Is there a way to have the TelerikComboBox behave normally, as it apparently did in versions prior to 4.3.0? We noticed this behavior only some time after upgrading from version 4.0.1, where everything still works properly.

Last Updated: 25 Oct 2022 22:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Rick
Comments: 1
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

We are needing a way to display a hierarchy inside the ComboBox.  I don't see any examples on this particular feature, I had found a similar request, but not identical.

Our use case:

We have administrators that manage multiple tenants within our system.  The tenants are part of a hierarchy, the user needs to be able to select a tenant or tenant parent.

I will use hotels as an example:

-Chain 1

--Brand 1

---Property 1

---Property 2

--Brand 2

---Property 3

Our current system that we are migrating controls from has this feature, so I would like to stick as close to this functionality as possible, however; if it is not an option, what control would you suggest as an alternative.

See example (sorry for the redactions)

The core concept is providing a user a choice as part of a form, but layout needs to be organized so that a user can easily navigate.  Top level names are unique, all other names can duplicate since they may share similar naming conventions across different organizations.

An option that may work as an alternative, is invoking a dialog popup and within it having a tree list of the information I need.  I think it could work, but it would certainly break the flow of the form.

Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021 21:27 by ADMIN


Thanks for adding more new controls to Blazor. That help us to move to it from ASPX AJAX.

Can we have the Multi-Column ComboBox, like the ASPX AJAX that one, please?



Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023 12:11 by ADMIN


When selecting a value via the keyboard, the input element is out of sync.

Reproduction (if bug)

1. Create a Combobox and populate it with data.

2. Trigger a change with the keyboard.

3. The value is updated but the input holds the old value and is out of sync.

REPL for reproduction:


Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023 06:55 by ADMIN

I would like the ability to flag elements in a data bound combo that are no longer available as disabled and not selectable.  Had they been previously selected, they still need to show, but should not allow a user to select it again.

I would like a property that can be set when databinding a combo.

For instance when you set the Data, TextField, & ValueField properties, can there also be one for SelectableField (or something) - this could be mapped to a Boolean in the dataset.

If this property isn't used then it defaults to yes (ie they are all selectable), but if it is used, then any items which have this field set to 'no' then they show as a different color (could just be grey) but are not selectable by the user.

If they had previously been selected (prior to being marked as no longer available) then they should show when the record is loaded, but otherwise they are not selectable.

I don't particularly want to write code on click to see if its enabled and then unselect it, I would prefer it to simply be built into the base control.

Is this possible?  Or is there another property already there that does this?