Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 07:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Ramon
Comments: 6
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The need is to update, add or delete a lot of items at once (for example, the selected items). Sample of batch editing: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/editing.

Perhaps this may become possible through methods on the grid that invoke the CUD operations.



There is a sample project that accomplishes most of these goals: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/grid/batch-editing

The grid state offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of controlling the grid, up to putting it in edit/insert mode.


Last Updated: 13 Jul 2023 12:32 by ADMIN

I added a comment to this feedback post.  In this post, I made a comment on how to get Tab select working in a grid component for a combobox.

It would be nice if tab select was a parameter for any dropdown component and autocomplete. Maybe a parameter called "TabSelect"? It would need to fire before the grid component picks up the Tab key first in InCellEdit mode. 


If that was changed above, then the grid component could have the following:

Enter key to move down the list, and Shift-Enter keys to move up the list. Is there a way to do that currently, or could it be added?

Last Updated: 12 Jul 2023 10:41 by Fabian

When I define a bigger number of MultiColumn Header the rendering performance of the Grid component quickly deteriorates. 

I would like an improvement in this regard.

Last Updated: 07 Jul 2023 10:29 by ADMIN
Created by: ben
Comments: 9
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Is there a way to hide the header?  I'm trying to use the Grid as a ListBox and it almost works using an empty span for the <HeaderTemplate>
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2023 07:53 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
Created by: Korstiaan
Comments: 14
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


I've been waiting for a few months now to swap to blazor, but one of the things that's currently holding us back is that the filter row can't be used together with the column menu.
I've always found this to be strange, since it's supported in the Angular and MVC versions, which we currently use.
Our users never filter via the column menu, always via the filter row. They hide/lock their columns via the column menu and sometimes sort.
This functionality is thus critical for us.

I can't find any feature request for it, nor any planned roadmap item.
Will this ever be supported because if not, we're gonna have to start looking for alternatives.

Kind regards.

Last Updated: 05 Jul 2023 11:22 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
Currently, I have no control over the Filter/Clear actions in the FilterMenu. It will be nice to be able to control them.
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2023 10:50 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (26/04/2023)
Created by: René
Comments: 16
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

With a pageable grid after scrolling down the first page and then paging, the next page should be scrolled to the top - but it is not.

Is there a way to scroll up by code until this is fixed ???



A sample solution is attached to the end of this post that shows how you can achieve this.


Last Updated: 04 Jul 2023 10:22 by ADMIN

Hi Telerik Support

Facing an issue with Keyboard navigation in Telerik Grid component. 

When we use TAB to navigate, the grid header gets focus only for the first time. After completing one round of navigation, second time after the Toolbar buttons, if we TAB out, focus goes to the pager sections skipping the grid header part.

Pls refer the REPL sample from Telerik website:


Steps to reproduce:

1) Use ALT + W and then use TAB key to navigate

2) First focus goes to the Toolbar button (Add Product), then goes to the Grid Header and then if we TAB again focus goes to the Pager section

3) After the Pager section, if we do steps 1 and 2 again, we can see that it skips the Grid Header focus second time onwards.


Last Updated: 04 Jul 2023 09:29 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
The OnCellRender event is executed more times than expected.
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2023 09:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Clark
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Using CheckBoxList filtering changes the filter menu for all columns. I would like to specify CheckBoxList only for certain columns, but that doesn't currently appear to be an easy option.

1) Leave as FilterMenuType "Menu" but implement a custom filter template for the columns I want. That would be the most obvious, but CheckBoxList is not a usable control on its own?

2) Or do the inverse, use FilterMenuType "CheckBoxList" and implement a custom filter template for all the columns where I don't want to use that. Seems like a lot of extra work to manually recreate default filters.

3) I guess I roll my own clone of the CheckBoxList control and use that like #1 on individual columns?

Any chance the CheckBoxList control could be publicly exposed for direct use?

Last Updated: 30 Jun 2023 09:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Brent
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I'm trying to use the FilterMenu with the CheckBoxListFilter, and it seems like it's sooo close to what I want, if it only had an option for FieldText and FeildValue or something like that. Any way I can get this working to use the ID field as the value and the Name as the text? The highlighted section below is what I would envision it working perfectly as.

<GridColumn Field="@nameof(WorkActivity.WorkGroupId)" Title="Work Group" Width="135px">
            <FilterMenuTemplate Context="context">
                <TelerikCheckBoxListFilter Data="@WorkGroups"
                                           Field="@(nameof(WorkGroup.Name))" FieldValue="@(nameof(WorkGroup.Id))" 
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2023 11:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Nate
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Similar to the WPF grid I would like the option to require the user hold shift to sort by multiple columns, otherwise the grid would sort by only a single column.


Last Updated: 22 Jun 2023 10:40 by adam
Enhance the group header template context by including additional properties such as the parent group field and value.
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2023 04:44 by ADMIN
Release 2.26.0

When you scroll to the right in a grid and filter so that there are no items, the horizontal scroll disappears and you can no longer come back to the filter in order to clear it and work with the grid again.

Last Updated: 21 Jun 2023 11:46 by Michael
Created by: Michael
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to customize the filter menu to add another filter operator for string fields - "not ending by".
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2023 05:56 by ADMIN
I would like the ability to AutoFit Grid Columns on each change in the grid but also allow the user to adjust the column's width manually without being adjusted back by AutoFit. 
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2023 14:10 by Himani

I need to lock the "expand" column in the Grid(Locked=true).

When I scroll horizontally, the first column with the expand/collapse icon scrolls out of view. I would like a way to lock it.

Last Updated: 08 Jun 2023 08:08 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
Created by: Michal
Comments: 7
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


 new version has broken "dynamic" changing column properties/visiblity runtime, especially- selection mode and causing lot of "rerendering".

Video attachment:
1 - first part is OLD version(prior 4.1.0) 4.0.1
2 - seccond part(after changing next browser tab) is new version 4.1.0

SAME setup
Iam already using hint for blazor with IDs of columns, found in Your documentation...etc. @key="@("sIDX")"


-->>Clicking on Button for changing grid mode and visibility of columns**
<TelerikToggleButton Title="Oznaceni vice radku" Icon="@FontIcon.ListUnordered" OnClick="@( _  =>{ CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode=(CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Multiple)?GridSelectionMode.Single:GridSelectionMode.Multiple;CurrentStackItem.gSelectedItems = Enumerable.Empty<ExpandoObject>();})"


-->>First "static" 2 columns**

<GridCheckboxColumn Visible=@(CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Multiple) @key="@("sIDX")" Width="70px" Locked="true" SelectAll="true" SelectAllMode="GridSelectAllMode.Current"></GridCheckboxColumn><GridColumn FieldType=@typeof(bool) Visible=@(IsPicker==true || (XSmall==false && CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Single )) @key="@("sCMD")" Filterable="false" Sortable="false" Locked="true" Width="@((IsPicker==true && XSmall==true)?"45px":"120px")"> <HeaderTemplate>&nbsp;</HeaderTemplate><Template Context="ctx"><div @onclick:preventDefault="true" @onclick:stopPropagation="true"> -->> THIS part is hitting LOT OF TIME in debug (expected is at best only once) @{if (XSmall==false) { -->> here is LOT OF dynamic buttons. } </div></Template></GridColumn> -->> rest of the dynamic columns. In video, starting with "ciiislo org" in header

@if (GridDef.ColStore != null && GridDef.ColStore.Any()) { foreach (var it in GridDef.ColStore.Where(x => x.Verejny == true)) { <GridColumn @key=@it.FldName Field=@it.FldName FieldType=@it.FldType Title=@it.VerejnyNazev ShowFilterCellButtons="false" Width=@it.cSirkaSestava TextAlign=@it.cZarovnani ><FooterTemplate> @if (it.Sumovat == true) { @context.Sum } </FooterTemplate></GridColumn> } } </GridColumns>

Feel free to change the Subject.

Thanks, have a nice day

Last Updated: 30 May 2023 09:57 by ADMIN

Currently, the empty cells in the exported Excel file contain zero-length strings. As a result, the ISBLANK() function returns false for them while the cells essentially do not have content.

Please allow the empty Grid cells to be treated as blank in the exported Excel file.




For the time being, you may extend the formula to also check whether the length of the cell content is 0. For that purpose, you may use the LEN() function as suggested here:  https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/isblank-function-return-false#workaround.

Last Updated: 24 May 2023 15:32 by Hannes
Created by: loe
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I want to be able to programmatically trigger the "Add" Command and have the new row displayed as the last item of the grid page.